Hey princess

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I wake up by my 9 a.m. alarm. I feel the empty bed meaning Lily's left.

I get up excited for today's party. That's the only thing keeping me going.

I woke up early today cause I wanted to do some schoolwork before I left to Ida's house.

I head downstairs and make a bowl of cereal.

As I come up the stairs I see Daisy trying to get into my room.

I let her in and open the blinds. Clear my desk, put on my glasses and start working.


My phone rings and I pick up.

It's Ida and Olive on FaceTime.

"Hi guys." Ida rubs her eyes, her voice is groggy like she just woke up.

"Did you just wake up?" I ask.

"Yeah." She yawns.

Olive rolls her eyes "What did you wanna ask?" She puts her phone down and starts looking into her drawers.

"I wanted to ask what time do you guys wanna come here?"

"Oh since the party starts at eight I was thinking likeee... six? Maybe?"

"Yeah, and I can pick you up El. If you want?" Liv suggests laying down on her bed.

"That would be great, thank you."

We all hang up.

Mom soon shouts from the kitchen to go eat.


"I'm almost there." I'm on the phone with Olive.

I just finished having a full on shower. Hair care, skin care, everything.

Right now I'm just dressed in some comfy shorts and T-shirt. The only makeup I own is in my bag with some shoes.

Ida said she had the perfect dress for me so I'm trusting her. That bitch better not disappoint me.

I hear a honk from the drive away and run downstairs.

"Αντίο μαμά, αντίο αδελφή!" I shout from the door.
Translation: Bye mum, bye sis!

I hop into Olive's car.

"Tonight's gonna be so fun!"

"I hope! Who's throwing the party?"

"Landon, unfortunately. We'll just ignore him though." She makes a turn.


"Guys, please tell me we're all going simple. Cause the only makeup I know is mascara, blush and lipgloss." I put my lips into a thin line.

"Oh don't worry about that! We always go simple. Minus our dresses." Olive lifts her eyebrows multiple times in a seductive way.

Eleanor AritiWhere stories live. Discover now