Chapter Seven

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"Do we have a deal, Mr. Doyle?" I asked, leaning forward in my chair.

The man in front of me ran a hand over his thick beard, his green eyes steady as he pondered over the new deal I had created for this meeting.

I offered him an eight percent profit in my drug distribution along with twenty-five percent more areas in Chicago to distribute his weaponry.

We went over the stats and numbers a few times, and this was our fifth meeting. He'd sign over his loyalty to me in blood in exchange if war were ever to break out that he'd stand by my side.

"Mr. D'Angelo," Cillian spoke, his heavy Irish accent evident in his voice, "I think wes got ourselves a grand deal," He stood up and extended his hand towards me.

Feeling confident and full of pride, I stood up and shook his hand firmly. Leonardo brought out the contracts.

We both signed our names in ink, then pricked our palms with my knife before signing with blood.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Doyle." I shook his hand once more, and I felt the older man grip it tighter.

"No fuckin' it up, aye? Blood for blood."

"Blood for blood," I swore. He dropped his hand, and Leonardo and I left his house with the papers in hand.

"Thank fuck." I swore once we stepped inside my car.

Leonardo drove while I sat in the back so that I could call Sebastian and tell him that the deal went through.

He didn't answer his phone right away, so I sent him a message, then placed my phone in the cupholder.

"Is she working tonight?" I asked.

I haven't seen her since I shot that fucker for touching her that night. It's been eight long, tiring, and fucking straining days.

I haven't felt a longing for another person since my wife passed, and even then, I still miss my wife, yet with was different.

It's not that I miss her presence, but more I missed the strange feelings she brought up in me. They were all foreign feelings to me; once I don't think I've ever felt with Isabella.

Isabella never cursed or shouted or yelled, or threatened me. Isabella was soft like a meadow and gentle like a swan.

Sofia is the complete fucking opposite. She is strong and prideful, like a lioness. She is boisterous and disruptive, like hurricanes and typhoons.

Sofia planted bombs underneath my skin with every word she spoke that ticked slowly until I felt like I would explode.

It's not like I didn't want to see her; it's that I've been too busy dealing with the Irish and negotiating deals and contracts.

I needed to get everything set straight. People were talking, and they needed a reminder of who fucking owned Chicago.

So, here I back was in the streets, dealing with thieves, liars, and traitors. The people of Chicago needed a reminder of who their King was, and I was more than happy to oblige to their assumptions and rumors.

"Yes, would you like me to drive you to the club, capo?"

I rubbed at my face harshly before letting out a loud sigh. "No. Just take me home."

As much as I wanted to see her, fight with her, to anything with her. I needed to get home and get started on the way to wipe the Polish off the grounds of the Earth. Either they pack up their shit and leave on their own accord or die where they stand.

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