Chapter Twenty

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"Did you just finish working out right now?" Alexis gaped up at me and I gave her a tired nod of my head. "Jesus, me and Duke finished half an hour ago."

"I can't take you seriously every time you say his name." I laughed as I opened my locker.

She rolled her eyes. "We're going to walk down to the juice bar. Meet you there?"

"Yes, I will meet you there. I'm just going to take a quick shower." I took out my gym bag and closed my locker.

"Don't take too long!"

"I won't," I called back.

She left the locker room and I sat down on the bench. My muscles were burning and sore, and I had no more water left in my bottle. I needed to shower, get dressed, and dehydrate. And eat.

I lifted my legs up on the bench to relax them for a minute before heading to the shower. The locker room was empty, and I was thankful for not having to wait for the bathroom. I used my hand to move my legs off the bench and to the floor.

I groaned as I closed my eyes. Damn, I overworked myself. 

"What are you training for? A marathon?" A feminine voice spoke.

I opened my eyes and turned around to see a busty blonde lady in a couture tracksuit with makeup painted on her face like a canvas.

I chuckled awkwardly. "No, just working off that anger and tension." I stood up and immediately got dizzy.

"Whoa, you okay?" I felt her hand at my elbow as she helped me stay up.

"I might have stood up too fast."

"Here, have some water." She set me back down on the bench and handed me a water bottle.

After opening it for me and sitting beside me, she helped me drink it. I downed the entire thing in one go.

"I'll buy you another one," I said, handing it back to her.

Her face changed from kindness to something sinister as she laughed. My vision blurred in front of me, and I couldn't move my body.

My hands and feet felt heavy, and it was like I was paralyzed. Her laughter was pitchy and sharp like nails scratching on a chalkboard.

I gasped as black spots appeared in my vision and I couldn't even call out for help, my voice wasn't working.

"Ty głupia suko." The last thing I heard her say before I blacked out.

I woke up with a raging, pounding headache. I tried to lift my hand to rub my forehead and that's when the panic set in.

My hands were tied together with a thick, harsh rope. It was wrapped securely around my wrists so tight that not only was it going to leave marks but it was cutting off my circulation.

I looked around to see that I was in some sort of storage room. There were boxes and broken wooden pallets, chains hanging from the pipes, and the sound of water dripping somewhere.

There was no one else around. I was tied and kept on the floor like some dog. The floor itself was cold, wet, and what looked like rust in some corners but a part of me knew it was dried blood.

The smell was atrocious, musty, like the sewers of the street. I wrinkled my nose from the smell.

I took the time to see if there were any doors or windows-anything to try and figure out a way to escape. There were no windows in sight and the only door that was in view was a red bolted one.

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