Chapter Twenty-Six

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I've never yearned for intimacy, and it wasn't something I ever thoroughly enjoyed. Like all sex, I was used to just kicking men out of my apartment or sneaking out of theirs before they woke up.

The morning after was always...awkward and if I'm being honest I never remember their names.

Maybe I've always been distant with intimacy, and I've had problems committing in my relationships because I was too scared of letting someone in and them walking away.

So, my solution was to just stay away, to create distance first so I'm not left behind first. I never thought about how it affected my love life or my life in general until Matteo.

With Matteo, I'm exceedingly clingy. I'm always finding a way to touch his face or hold his hand. If he leaves the room to deal with something he doesn't want me to see, I'm pouty and frowning until he comes back to me.

As weird and annoying as I was, Matteo didn't seem to mind. It was the opposite, in fact, he enjoyed how desperate and attached I was to him.

I'm pretty sure he got a kick out of it since he was always grinning at how obsessed I was with him. As if he wasn't obsessed with me first.

I pressed a kiss onto the middle of his naked back and heard him let out a soft sigh. I always woke up before him and I took that time to just bask in a naked and nonthreatening Matteo.

Now, it was just me kissing all over his back with my hands wrapped as tightly as I could around his waist. I felt him squirm next to me and I couldn't help but smile against his skin.

"Wake up," I muttered, "I'm lonely."

"Five more minutes."

I sighed dramatically. "I guess that's fine. I'll just have to shower alone."

He spun around quickly at that, catching me by surprise. "I'm up." He chimed.

"I thought you wanted five more minutes."

"Five more minutes or showering with you?" He pretended to be deep in thought, "I think one outweighs the other. Now, come here and give me that mouth."

Then his mouth was on mine stealing my gasp and protests as he towered over me. Unfortunately, the kiss was cut short by his phone ringing.

Groaning in frustration, he left one last kiss before pulling away and reaching for his phone on the bedside table. He sat up to talk and the blanket fell exposing his naked body.

"Yes, mamma." He answered, "I am home. No, I'm not sleeping." He turned to face me, "We can meet you for brunch. Ci vediamo allora. Ciao." (See you then. Bye)

"I've never had brunch before," I admitted, going over to where he was and climbing onto his lap. "Is that like some fancy word for breakfast?"

"You can't sit naked on my lap and ask me a question. I don't even know what you just asked. All I heard was can I ride you?"

I snorted and shoved him in the chest. "I'm serious."

"So am I."

"What do I even wear? Dress? Skirt? Jeans?"

"I've yet to see you in a skirt." He murmured, as he grabbed my legs and placed them on either side of him, aligning me right over his crotch.

"Easy access." His hands were now gripping my ass aggressively.

"Jeans it is."

"Rub yourself on me." He encouraged, "Show me how wet you can get without me touching you."

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