Chapter Fourteen

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I balanced the phone between my shoulder and ear as I mouthed a thank you to the barista that handed me my coffee.

I stepped out of the busy and crowded café and set the coffee on top of my car as I reached for my car keys.

"Yes, dad, I can still hear you." I said, "Are you sure you don't need me to come down and see you?"

"I'm fine, Sofia, it's just a little cough. Mary says I'm fine." He reassured me.

Mary was his at-home nurse, the one I hired to keep around my dad and to take care of him since I couldn't.

"I'm going to call Mary just to make sure."

I grabbed my coffee and placed it in the cup holder before sliding inside and closing my car door.

"If it hurts when you cough, then you need to tell me."

"You worry about me too much, Sofia. I'm your dad, it's supposed to be the other way around."

"Dad, let me worry about you. It keeps me sane."

"Have you called your brother? He's been so busy with midterms; he barely answers my phone calls anymore."

"That little shit." I muttered and heard my dad chuckle, "I'll call him right now."

I turned the key into the ignition, and I heard my dad start coughing all over again. It was a nasty dry cough, and I closed my eyes, hated hearing my father in so much pain.

"I'm calling Mary."

"Sofia," He protested, but I tutted at him.

"Dad, please." I only have you left. "Give me some peace of mind and let me call her."

"Okay, she's probably downstairs getting all of the stupid meds ready for me to take." I could see him rolling his eyes.

"Okay, I'll call you later. I love you, dad."

"I love you too, Sofia."

I hung up on him and pressed the Bluetooth button on the screen in my car so that I could call Mary while I drove to work.

I chatted with her and told her to keep monitoring him in case his cough got worse or if it was hurting him too much that he needed the hospital.

She reassured me with stupid medical terms, but it didn't do anything. I told her to message me if anything happens then hung up so I could call my stupid younger brother.

I rang him twice, but the little shit didn't answer. I sent him a message at a red light and told him to call me back. I finally reached the parking lot of the club and turned off my car engine.

I grabbed my black bag from the backseat and my cup of coffee as I made my way inside. I downed the rest of the espresso before dumping it in the trashcan.

I reached the two men guarding the back entrance for the dancers and gave them a weird look once they both stood in front of the door.

I eyed the two men I've known since I started working here. "What are you doing?" 

"We're under direct orders from Mr. D'Angelo not r let you in without him." One of them spoke.

"What?" I bit, my hand gripping the strap of my bag tightly, "I need to get inside. I'm not in the fucking mood for your stupid boss and his stupid orders."

I saw them share an odd look at my words but didn't move.

"Let me in. It's almost my shift."

They stayed like statues, immobile and stoic while still guarding the entrance. I sighed, exasperated as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

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