Chapter Thirty-One

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Felix looked at me through the rear-view mirror briefly before turning his eyes to the road.

"I'm under direct orders from Signor D'Angelo not to answer your questions."

"I don't understand. Where is Matteo?"

"He told me to pick you up at seven and take you home. That is all I know, Signora."

"Yes, but he didn't text me or call me." I protested, but Felix didn't respond.

I pulled out my phone from my bag and dialed his number. Straight to voicemail. I called Leonardo, and the same thing happened.

I messaged Matteo once more and waited for the word delivered to appear under my messages, but nope. Nothing. I sat there in the backseat, apprehensive, terrified, and jittery.

"Did something happen to him?" I whispered so low I wondered if he heard my question.

"I'm not allowed to say, Signora."

"That means yes."

I found my voice cracking at the thought of Matteo being hurt. My heart twisted inside of me, and I found myself crying. I didn't have the emotional capacity to deal with his shit right now.

After the emotionally draining conversation that I had with my father about my mother and Sean and dealing with the aftermath of his surgery, I was exhausted.

I was still processing it all. It was too much information, and it was all at once.

I didn't have it in me to deal with Matteo's crap right now. The thought of him never coming back was deafening. The idea of never seeing his face again was heartbreaking.

I wanted him to come back alive, come back to me. I don't think I could imagine the rest of my life without him glaring at me or fighting with me.

He couldn't have waited a few months before allowing something to happen to him. I didn't know whether or not I was angry or upset because even though I was crying, my hands were balled up into fists.

I could feel Felix's eyes on me the entire drive back, but he didn't speak. I could feel the sadness in his eyes, but that was all I got from him. I knew he wouldn't answer me, especially if Matteo told him not to.

It's not like I wanted him to get in trouble, but I just needed to know what was happening. I needed to know where Matteo was and what was going on. I needed to know if he was okay.

The car came to a stop, and I wiped my face with the sleeve of my shirt as Felix came around to open my door. He helped me out and ushered me inside, and I looked around to see double the security that usually guarded our house.

There usually were ten men outside waiting by the gate and the doors, but I couldn't even count this time because there were so many.

After making sure I entered the house, Felix pointed to the stairs that led to our bedroom. I didn't fight him choosing to obey whatever orders Matteo instructed him with.

I walked up the stairs and kicked off my shoes at the door. I curled up on my bed and brought his pillow to my chest as I closed my eyes.

Please, be safe.

Please come back to me.

I need you.

I love you.

My heart was hammering in my chest as the realization hit me like a shit ton of bricks falling over my head. I was in love with him. This man. This infuriating and psychotic work of a man.

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