Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The car finally came to a stop, and I opened my car door, then reached for her hand to help her step outside. It was still pretty dark outside, and a little chilly considering it was one in the morning here.

I wasn't even planning on taking her on the plane ride. I was supposed to come to Germany and pick up her present alone but then thought that maybe it would be better to just let her tag along.

I knew she's never been on an airplane or traveled so it was like a mini present within the bigger present. I placed my hand on the middle of her back as I guided her to the red house.

I knocked on the door and then rang the doorbell.  The door swung open, and we were greeted by a very skinny, yet tall man. He had black curly hair and dark eyes.

"Mr. D'Angelo." He smiled as he ushered us inside.

"Mr. Meyer, I'm sorry for showing up this late."

The man waved me off as he led us upstairs. "Don't apologize. I was very honored when I received your phone call."

"You're not selling me, are you?" Sofia whispered loudly and my hand went down to her ass. I pinched it and she yelped.

"Are you ready for your present, mia tesora?"

I ushered the man to go and get it, and he ran inside a different room. A moment later, he was back with a purebred black Doberman Pinscher puppy.

"No. No fucking way. You got me a puppy!"

She shouted as she ran to where Mr. Meyer was. She took the puppy out of his hand and crushed him to her chest.

She danced and swayed from side to side as she hugged him, her hand petting the top of his head as she kissed him all over.

She stood in front of me, with her chin trembling. "I've always wanted one." She sniffled, and I wiped her tears away with the pad of my thumb. "This is the best birthday present I've ever received."

"Does it tie with the orgasm I gave you this morning?" I teased her, leaning in to ask, so only she could hear.

She laughed through a cry and got on her tippy toes. I dipped down to meet her halfway. It was a short, chaste kiss.

She pulled away, her face shining with happiness, and fuck it did something to me. Seeing her this happy over a puppy made me want to lay the entire world at her feet while I spoiled her.

"I love him, and I love you. Thank you, baby."

"You're welcome, mia tesora. You'll also be having someone come and help you train him. They respond to German commands, so Mr. Meyers is sending someone to assist you."

I patted the top of his head and he barked. "Do you have a name for him?"

"He looks like an Apollo, doesn't he?" She asked, her eyes back on the puppy in her arms.

"Apollo it is."

She turned her attention to Leonardo who was standing in the corner watching the entire altercation.

"Leonardo, do you like the name Apollo?" 

He gave her a small smile and then a nod of his head. "Yes, Signora. I believe it fits him well."

"I hope you don't think that this puppy is your only birthday present." I told her once we were in the car.

"What else have you planned?"

"You'll see tomorrow. We're going to have dinner at the hotel, and tomorrow we're heading back home."

"And yes, don't worry I have more of those sleeping pills." I added in the end, already anticipating her next question.

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