155 23 2

june. (present)

The psychology classroom is probably one of the biggest classrooms assigned for a subject in this school- not because of the number of people who have taken it but because the teachers thought that having a big space to talk about the works of the brain would help.

Seokjin shares all of his classes with Hobi except History and Psychology. Thankfully, Seokjin has Jungkook here.

Jungkook has taken completely different subjects than Seokjin- Maths, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Psychology is the only one that's similar. He always saves a seat for Seokjin next to him so Seokjin is in no particular hurry to reach the classroom, the teacher herself tends to be five minutes late.

When he steps into the classroom where the students are yet to be seated silently in decorum and are now just talking with their friends in whatever empty space they see- Seokjin makes his way to the middle seats, right in the centre, where he and Jungkook usually sit.

He sees Jungkook- today he is wearing a half sleeved yellow T-shirt, the sleeves doing nothing to hide his biceps and the thin material stretching over his back. The jeans and bucket hat he is wearing along with it just adds to Jungkook's laid back charm. There is a wrap on shirt hanging on the back of his chair.

Jungkook is busy talking with a girl....who is sitting on Seokjin's seat. They are laughing at something the girl said and Jungkook doesn't seem to notice that Seokjin is standing just a few centimetres away from his table.

Seokjin decides to clear his throat but the voice gets muffled by the other noise and chatter of the classroom. If Seokjin were to clear his throat louder than this, his throat would break.

Lips downturned, since this hasn't ever happen- Jungkook always made sure Seokjin's seat was empty, he even kept his own bag on top of it to ensure that- Seokjin moves towards the front seats instead.

A nagging feeling starts to bloom in his heart- a silly feeling, one that's probably not healthy- this feeling says that he might be replaced soon. Seokjin decides to push away this emotion for now and takes out his textbook and notebook, staring at the cover of the book instead and waiting for the teacher to arrive.

He had taken psychology because his initial plan was to take up counselling as a career. He wasn't really sure about the nitty gritty details that came under the subject but now that this was his second year studying psychology- he had grown to fall in love with it- everything that was taught. Most of the focus in the year 12 syllabus were the disorders and the functions of the brain and the analysis and treatments of these psychiatric disorders-

A textbook falls on the table next to Seokjin, followed by a bulky notebook and a pen. Then the seat next to Seokjin is pulled back and Jungkook sits on it, legs apart and eyes narrowed. "Why the fuck are you sitting in the front seats?" His arms are crossed, bucket hat lightly tilted towards the front so it forms a shadow over his eyes.

Seokjin shifts his eyes towards the back to notice that his seat where the girl had been sitting along with Jungkook's was empty now.

"You seemed busy".

"Busy? I wasn't busy?"

"The girl, you and her were talking, she was sitting...on my seat, I did not want to disturb". Seokjin says and fiddles with a pen. He doesn't hear a continuing response and gets worried that Jungkook must think he is petty now.

Jungkook is his best friend, yes, but Seokjin always feels like he is walking on a thin branch with him. One mistake, one wrong step, one wrong sentence and that branch will break. Their friendship will end. It's probably stupid and a feeling born out of Seokjin's over analytical mind but knowing this doesn't stop the irrational fear.

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