Chapter Three - Stay With Me pt. 3 (Y/N pov)

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I felt the time freeze. I don't remember thinking straight while staring at those skeleton's eye sockets, then I felt a cold sensation in my abdomen, followed by a warm soaked feeling, which then all evolved in excruciating pain, I lowered my gaze and found a bone sword embedded in my abdomen.

"H-how?" I whispered, "I was being careful"...


In a matter of seconds, the skeleton pulled out its sword from my abdomen and tried to hit me in my head, but with my little strength, I stabbed him with my Cutlass sword, making it disappear, afterwards I grabbed the bone sword and used it as a crane to help we walk while searching for the exit.

"That's... that's a lot of adventures for today"...

I knew I was losing a lot of blood, I felt from my belly downwards wet and I also knew that blood was leaving marks on the floor, so any enemy that could be searching for me could easily find me by following the blood part I was creating, that's why I needed to hurry up and find the exit.

After what seemed to be an eternity I spotted the elevator, it was just a few meters far, all I needed was to drag my body there, and then I'd get out of this place, I felt euphoric for thinking about finally feeling the fresh air in my face, to go back to my farm and feed my animals, and of course.... to see Harvey again.

But when I was searching for the exit I heard bone noises followed by dry growls, I turned back to meet my biggest fear so far. Thousands, a herd of skeletons were rapidly approaching me. 

I couldn't move my legs, they were like welded on the floor-but I knew I had to get out of here, I couldn't let fear control me. So I took all that was left of my strength and ran straight to the elevator, fortunately enough when I got there and pressed the door button I didn't have to wait.

I was entering the elevator as fast as I could when I heard the skeletons growl getting louder, and once I got in I didn't look back, and I think that was my mistake... I suddenly felt something piercing my back.

"AAAAHHHH" I screamed in pain

 I looked back and saw a pile of skeletons agglomerating outside of the elevator entrance, even a bony hand was trying to enter, but the elevator's door suddenly cut that hand off. 

I collapsed on the elevator floor and started seeing black, I put my hand behind my back trying to reach the part that was hurting the most. I was able to identify what happened- something cold and solid was clutching my back.

"w-what?" That was all I could say once I lost consciousness and slumped into the floor. 





Hi everyone! First of all: Thank you guys for your support! It means a lot to me :')

Second: Wow, almost 8 months without updating and you left us on a cliffhanger? I know I know, I'm sorry. All of these past months had been way too busy for me due to college, good thing about all of this long wait is that at least I got good grades this semester hoho.

Also, I had severe writer's block (ngl, I was like: what now? how do I get them out of this situation I MYSELF CREATED?) Hahaha

Fortunately, I now have an ending created for this fanfic already created so now you won't be waiting  m o n t h s  for an update.

See you soon!

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