Preparing The Land

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Type was always an only child.
So he never had to worry about someone else being his parents' favorite (and I count for nothing? - you're in my head silly voice!).

However, he understands Thanya, his boyfriend's little sister, perfectly.

She is the youngest, which means that she has always had the full attention of all her family, especially her brothers.

Tharn had told her that he and his sister shared a special connection. It's funny because even without the presence of a bitchy voice, he's not really considered the most altruistic and empathetic person.

He never goes near the children, that's for sure! And the further Kanawut is from the children the better they are.

-"How is that little thing?
I am very kind to children!"
-"You ruined a child's bike chains just because he bumped into you."
-"look at the bright side, no bike, no accidents. He's better off.
I saved that kid's life."
-"he cried for hours."
-"even better, with all the dust on him, his tears cleaned his eyes! Now that you remind me..."
-"What are you doing?"
-"I forgot to write this event in my good deeds book."
-"Good deeds?! You?"
-"even evil geniuses like me deserve a break from the honorable, exhausting and unfortunately unacknowledged mission of spreading misery around. Doing a few good deeds to appease these lowly, inferior creatures is just a bonus."
- "You stole a pacifier from a baby! That's a good deed?"
-"It was for a good cause! Too much sugar for such a small being and I didn't steal the pacifier I imprinted it to give to a needy person.
I'm kind of like Robin Hood!"
-"Robin Hood? But what needy person?"
-"Me, of course. I was hypoglycemic."
-"You also traumatized a poor little girl for life!"
-"Traumatize! Now the big words! I was only doing my duty as a responsible adult by taking care of this girl's blatant lack of knowledge!"
-"by telling her that her parents were divorcing because, and I quote: "your mother is a filthy, obnoxious, stupid bitch. And most of all, she sucks at bed , so maybe that's why your father fucks all his secretaries. I wouldn't be surprised if he had more kids! Speaking of children, are you sure you're your father's daughter? Because your mother isn't a saint either! "
-" of course, poor thing! It's unfortunate how parents tend to treat children as beings without any kind of intelligence. I'll bet you anything that they were going to give her some bullshit like we don't love each other anymore so the best thing is to separate but it doesn't change our love for you. Bullshit like they got married for love, they had sex in the bathroom of a bar and the poor guy had to marry the girl because they forgot to use a condom."
-" But you had no right to say such things to her! I'm sure she didn't understand half of the terms you used."
-" blatant lack of knowledge! That's what I was saying! It's not like I told her she was conceived in the shithouse."
-" glad you didn't tell her that! And how do you know all this?"
-" you don't have a clue about the stuff people store on their computers."
-" snooping on people is illegal, stupid voice. You could end up in jail."
-" no YOU will end up in jail. I'm already a prisoner in your head so it's only fair that you should be too."
-" And the time you traumatized that poor kid at the mall! He's in for years of therapy!"
-" again, I was only doing my duty. I couldn't stand by and watch such a noble spirit be led astray by such absurd precepts. What kind of despicable parents would lie to their child and make him believe that the stork brings babies or that one must plant a cabbage seed to have a boy and a rose for a girl? All I did was to rectify a terrible injustice."
-" by showing porn to a 6 year old boy? "
-" of course nowadays audiovisual material is essential in the educational field."
-" what did I do to deserve this?"
-" that's an excellent question. What did you do to deserve a talented, exceptional, dazzling and generous mind like mine? You little ingrate!
Even questioning my integrity in this way! Shame on you."


Coming back to Thanya, he had talked to his shrink about his sudden attachment to this little girl given his previous disastrous relationship with the children.

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