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Techno had woken up with the feeling that his life was about to take a new turn.

Or maybe it had already taken that turn when he decided to play the "Who's Who" with his best friend - "Get out of my business and I'll kill you" aka Type.

The week that had just ended was one of the most challenging of his life, especially mentally.

He can assure it his brain never worked so much.

Whoever says that being a matchmaker is not a real job, well, let them come and find it.

You have no idea how much stress he has to deal with on a daily basis.

And as the leader of the group, it was his job to motivate the troops.

He no longer counts the number of times his fellow fighters almost gave up the fight.

But he managed to convince them thanks to his natural charisma and his innate gift for persuasion.

-no: noooooo! I beg you! Don't go! I can't do it without you!

-Seo: AiNong! Let go of my leg
There's no way I'm going to be a part of this charade one more minute!

-Champ: He's right No, it's all nonsense! It doesn't make any sense! You're just wasting our time.

-No: but but...

-Khlui: you know I'd love to continue but Tharn and Type aren't even talking! Tharn has moved back in with his parents! Things must have gotten out of hand between them. Sorry man

-No: wait! Don't go away!
Tharn isn't gone forever, he's just visiting his family... And-and can't you see that this is in our favor?

-Seo: How so?

-Champ: Explain yourself!

Seeing that he has the attention of his comrades, Techno drops P'seo's leg and gets back on his feet.

-No: Champ didn't notice? Throughout this week, Type was like somewhere else. It's like he wasn't even there. He barely concentrates during the meal with your friend.
He tries not to stay in their room any longer than necessary.
And all this because...

-Khlui :He doesn't like the decoration?

-No: what? No! I don't know!

-Seo: because he has problems like everyone else?

-No: maybe, but that's not what I was referring to.

-Champ: because he has a girlfriend?

-No: No, no, no, and no, he's always so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't even notice that his pretty friend was hitting on him, he avoids their room at all costs because... He misses Tharn!

-Seo: How can you be sure?

-Champ: Yeah, how can you be sure? It might as well be something else.
-No: but no, because I'm telling you that he misses Tharn! I've seen him staring at his phone several times as if he was waiting for a really important call.

His comrades still didn't seem convinced by his arguments, he had to find a solution. They couldn't give up now, not after all they had been through together.

-No: listen! I just need a little time to prove to you that we are right! Type has feelings for Tharn, he's just too stubborn and proud to admit it. And being the way he is, it can't be easy for him to have feelings of a loving nature with a man.

-Champ: we want to believe you, but I don't feel it. All this history, these plans, no, I have a feeling that it's going to turn sour. And I'm not even talking about when it's going to blow up in our faces.

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