Ch. 6 - First-Glance Feeling

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After a boring hour or so going over a syllabus that was nearly identical to ones he's seen before, Gabe was ready to just chill for the rest of the day.

The brisk cold airbrushed his skin as he headed towards his apartment building. It was a short walk that he didn't mind as he was used to walking everywhere. Though he did wish he had a car during the winter months, luckily most of the time he was able to get a ride to and from with Dom.

Even though it was a boring first day of class, he didn't not enjoy it. Gabe enjoyed talking to Zekai and Elliot, though he finds the prior to be incredibly strange, he didn't mind it. Their personalities meshed in a strange, yet, astonishing way.

It was very kind of Zekai to buy coffee though his sudden outburst at the barista was very strange. Why did he say Gabe was taken when he definitely was not? And why did the two of them seem to have such an infatuation with him?

He just hoped his coworkers didn't bring it up, the situation was already awkward and it didn't need to get worse. The last thing he wanted was his workplace to be even more miserable.

Gabe's coworkers were alright unlike his last job, he didn't want to lose this job with actual competent and bearable coworkers. So while it was miserable because of the wonders of working retail, his coworkers weren't the main reason.

Most of the time it was customers who didn't understand how rushes worked or the fact that their drink wouldn't be made before others who had ordered before them. Because apparently, that wasn't common knowledge.

After walking for a bit, Gabe finally managed to escape the crowds of students on the quad who were scrambling to get to their next destination.

Gabe wasn't the biggest fan of crowds. He preferred to be alone with a pair of headphones in, listening to music and drowning out the world around him. Well at least Gabe partially paid attention, you never know who is or isn't watching where they're going and he wasn't about to run into some freshmen hoverboarding down the quad.

Crossing through a row of buildings, Gabe finally made it to the familiar intersection and crosswalk his apartment building was at. The corner building was just across the street and as the pedestrian light gave them the go, he was heading towards the complex.

As he made it up the stairs, Gabe in front of the door listening to the excited, maybe a little angry, screams in his apartment.

His key clicked and Gabe opened the door to Zekai, Dom, and Elliot sitting on their couch with Mario Kart on the screen.

Neither Dom nor Zekai noticed Gabe walking in, though Elliot gave him a small smile and a wave. The two oafs were incredibly focused on the game, their large hands fumbling with the tiny joycons.

Quietly, Gabe sat his bag on the stool and walked behind the couch.

On the screen, Gabe watched as the kart he assumed was Zekai's drove right off the road, causing the black-haired man to scream in anger. The game soon ended as Zekai was last to cross the finish line, the man not angry, but excited.

"Zekaj and Hunter made this look so much easier, my gods," Zekai leaned into Elliot, his smile never fading as he kissed his cheek.

"What?" He asked, noticing the look on Elliot's face.

Zekai turned and his eyes brightened as he saw Gabe standing behind the couch, "Gabe! Haven't seen you since this morning! How was class?"

"Alright," Gabe chuckled, Zekai's excitement was contagious. "Just went over the syllabus and a bit of lecture. Nothing huge, what about you two?"

"Oh Elliot's professor just went over the syllabus for like thirty minutes and immediately let him out," Zekai nudged his boyfriend. "Was pretty boring just sitting out in the hall the whole time, there were no empty seats in that tiny classroom."

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