Ch. 16 - Such a Mystery

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Just wanted to apologize really quick for this chapter not coming out as soon as tapas did. It seems the front page is down but profiles and everything else is fine which I didn't know until a bit ago. Sorry!


Dom burst through the front door with multiple containers of food. His sudden arrival caused Gabe to jump a bit.

Gabe had been scouring Aiden's laptop for anything that could even hint at a password to the site. He was so engrossed he hadn't heard Dom unlocking the door.

"I brought food bitch," Dom tossed the food on the counter immediately opening up and grabbing a handful of fries and shoving them in his mouth.

One last try, Gabe typed in DomitriOrlov. Again the password was incorrect and Gabe closed it shut. He was annoyed and needed to cool off for a couple minutes. What's a more perfect way to calm down than to gorge yourself with food?

Gabe grabbed his food at the counter, a cheeseburger and an abundance of fries, and sighed before taking a large bite.

Dom raised an eyebrow, noticing Gabe's annoyed demeanor.

"What's got you pissed off?" He said with a mouth full of food.

"Promise you won't tell Aiden?" Gabe glared at Dom.

"Promise dude," Dom crossed his heart. "I won't say shiiiit."

"I'm trying to get on a website Aiden has access to but its password locked," Dom began to explain.

He wouldn't go into detail about how he was suspicious of Zekai and how he had caught the man in a lie. Just in case there was a reasonable explanation, Gabe did not want to speak poorly of Zekai just yet.

Luckily Dom wasn't someone to pry for too much detail. Dom really just assumed everyone had a reason for everything and he didn't need to know.

That and there was something weird about their best friend. Aka the person Dom had a huge crush on (that he didn't know of yet).

"Hmm," Dom munched on his food. "Now that I think of it I really can't think of anything Aiden loves besides like his mom but who makes their mom their password that's wack."

"It's probably like a string of random ass numbers," Dom continued to ramble. "Aiden is a weirdo like that."

"Yeah, I tried a bunch of random shit, your name, his middle name-"

"Wait, why my name?" Dom stopped eating for a second, which was completely unlike him.

Gabe had his mouth opened wide in shock. He fucked up.

"No reason," Gabe lied straight through his teeth. "I tried mine too."

Dom looked like he didn't believe him for a bit. His blond eyebrows were furrowed until they relaxed and Dom no longer looked like he was deep in thought.

"That's fair, we are his best friends."

Gabe nodded and the two sat in silence eating their food. Soon the two moved to the couch and Gabe got back to work trying to guess the password. Dom sat on TikTok and Twitter mindlessly scrolling.

"How's the kid?" Gabe tried to make conversation. Neither he nor Aiden knew much about this kid.

It confused both of them considering Dom did not need the money at all. They just knew a family friend had asked Dom's dad if Dom could check up on him a couple times a week, tutor him, and report back to them.

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