Ch. 15 - Running Like Water

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Gabe wasn't avoiding them per se, he just was in an awkward position.

Things were moving so fast, and that meant many, many things.

They were on the brink of being official after one single date, barely a week had passed. Gabe just assumed that he wouldn't have a boyfriend for a couple years after he graduated college. But here he was close to starting a relationship with not just one, but two men.

Starting a relationship meant, opening up to one another, not just running away when a difficult topic was brought up. Communication was key in relationships, something Gabe was pretty awful at.

It was easier to pretend like his past didn't exist than to open up about it. He just wanted his pre-college life to be an enigma. No answers to any questions. What school? What Sport? What Family?

Who he was back then was not who he was now, so why does anyone need to know? That Gabe doesn't exist anymore, he's dead. As dead as he is to his family.

Gabe didn't realize he was gay till he turned sixteen. Sure he had homosexual thoughts at a younger age, but he pushed them away. If he didn't think about them, they didn't exist... right?

Bottling it up nearly destroyed him. Gabe wasn't functioning, lashing out and everything. He was shocked Dom even stuck around him considering Gabe wasn't exactly the nicest at first.

It finally exploded when he visited him a couple months into his freshmen year. He came out in a moment of weakness. Gabe hadn't even realized he had until his father said every hateful thing he could think of.

Gabe wasn't allowed back home after that. His father would tell anyone who listened that he no longer had a son.

His mom on the other hand seemed to be more accepting, she had called him soon after trying to wrap her head around the whole thing. She was still complacent with what Gabe's dad was doing, which Gabe couldn't forgive.

Dom was a rock he needed when he was at his lowest. Accepting even though Gabe had been kind of a jerk at the beginning of their stay together. Dom wouldn't agree though. Gabe guessed Dom thought they were best friends before anyway, or maybe just saw that he was hurting. He wasn't exactly the brightest, but what he lacked in smarts, he made up for in kindness.

Then Aiden came along and their group turned into something more, it was their own found family. Gabe stopped thinking of his mother and father as his family and started seeing his friends as family.

He couldn't see his life without them. Could the same be said about Zekai and Elliot? Was he ready to let more people into his life, expanding his small little family?

If he could look into the future and see if they were still there he would. Gabe didn't want to get hurt again by people leaving him.

As Gabe walked to his first class of the day on Wednesday, where he would see them for the first time as he had skipped class on Monday. He couldn't help but think of all of this and of course, it ruined his mood.

Though deep down he felt excited to see them like his body just needed to be near them.

The class wasn't full yet when he walked in. Most of the seats were still empty, many probably would be due to it being the second week and many deciding to just teach themselves with the book.

Zekai and Elliot saw him before he saw them, both of their eyes lighting up when they saw him walking down the steps.

Hesitantly, Gabe sat down next to Zekai who had Elliot to his right.

"Hey dude," Zekai smiled. "Long time no see."

It's only been four days Gabe thought. It's not like it had been months.

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