Ch. 18 - Alone in a Crowded Room

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I wanted to say before the chapter that I'm incredibly sorry for my absence the past two or so months. Life just always seems to be busy at this point and I need to stop anticipating a break. I've dealt with work, being sick twice, family issues, and my dog getting sick. These aren't excuses but I hope it helps you understand why I've been missing. I really should've stepped up and got stuff done instead of wallowing around with depression during my free time.

I hope I can get back on the writing train this time. The newest chapter I worked on (ch. 23 on patreon) was able to be finished because I've been working on writing at least 100 words a day for the past week and editing it the past two days. It seems to be working but I'm still hoping to get something out again before the end of the month.

Much love, stay safe.


Based on the entrance to the Institute, Gabe half expected the place to be mostly barren. But as he walked into the lushous and vibrant courtyard he was shocked to see it was bustling full of life.

Men and women walked all throughout the courtyard and headed deeper into random buildings inside the institute. Many were in suits but the occasional person was in casual clothing like Gabe.

It allowed him to blend in better as he took a step out into the courtyard. Though he had to glance down at his pamphlet's map every couple of seconds.

Mira was right, this place was a complete maze. It even had a whole underground section with stuff out of a wizarding school.

Summoning room? Alchemy Lab? Enchanting Room? This sounded like a childs Minecraft house, it just missed that cartoony brick instead of this rustic reddish black brick.

Luckily the library seemed to be the easiest place to get to. It was the biggest room in the place and seemed to be multiple stories tall. Hopefully finding the information on Zekai would be easy, he was on a tight schedule.

The library was in the back right corner of the institute, Gabe could see it as he crossed through the grounds of the courtyard. A couple windows peered into it and Gabe could see the shelves of books inside.

One thing Gabe noticed was a lot of the people walking throughout the courtyard had similar looking tattoos along their arms. If he wasn't mistaken, they almost looked like runes from a fantasy video game or something.

Is this a cult? Gabe thought. Did I walk into a Cult?

Gabe tried his best not to stare at all of the tattooed people, it would give him away as an outsider if he acted too confused about them. Luckily he slipped right through without seeming out of place by them. No one seemed to notice him at all.

Beyond the double doors was a library that closely resembled the one on campus. Though this was a lot bigger.

Gabe thought he would enter on the ground floor but he was wrong, he was about halfway up. As he got close to the railing, Gabe looked up and saw there were about 4 more levels above him, and about 3 under him.

Surely the whole thing couldn't be filled with books, right? There were a couple busts and paintings on this floor, maybe there were more? Perhaps part library, part museum of some sorts?

As he looked around, the problem came to Gabes mind. He had no idea where he was even supposed to be looking.

Down at the bottom appeared to be numerous tables and what could possibly be a help desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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