Ch. 17 - Caught Up

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Trying to act nonchalant was incredibly hard when you were about to pull off a scheme. Especially when the person you needed to leave was chilling in the living room with you.

Aiden had been sitting on his laptop for a bit doing some homework from his early morning class. Of course, the one day he needed Aiden to head out early he stuck around until the last minute.

Gabe started to worry, what if his class was canceled today or he just wasn't going? What then? Gabe had no backup plan and sure he could try again tomorrow but he wanted to get to the bottom of this now. Waiting another day was not ideal.

The heavens heard his request as Aiden stood up and grabbed his book bag that Gabe didn't realize was laying down by the side of the couch he couldn't see.

"Cya dude," Aiden slung the bag over his shoulder and headed out the door.

"Bye!" Aiden cursed himself silently. That sounded fake.

Being safe Gabe watched the door for a couple minutes before initiating step one. Rob Aiden of his Key Card.

Aiden's door was just like all the others, though it was at the end of the hall and not on the same side as Dom's and his own. None of them bothered with decorations but Dom almost always had a jacket or sweatshirt hanging on his door handle. Opening the door to Aiden's room was a lot scarier than opening Doms though.

The handle quietly creaked as Gabe opened it up just enough to be able to reach in and grab the lanyard that he hoped Aiden hadn't brought with him to class.

Something about shoving his hand into a dark room he couldn't see into was less than ideal. Maybe it was the fact that some scary monster could just grab at his arm and rip it off.

Gabe squeezed his eyes closed as he slowly moved his arm into the dark room. The hook was just a bit into the door around chest level. Slowly, slowly, slowly Gabe reached in as his fingers brushed against the plastic keycard.

At the speed of light, Gabe pulled his arm out of his room with the keycard in his hand.

The front had a picture of Aiden straight-faced with his full name on the front. It was a simple swipe one and the front had the name "West Michigan Institute of Discovery" in a college-like font.

Maybe this place was just some fancy kind of private school and Aiden took classes there secretly?

Gabe opened the door to his room, yoinked his book bag, and headed out the door locking it behind him.

It was a cold day but his favorite sweatshirt kept him warm. The sky was gray, it looked as if it could rain at any moment and the little umbrella in Gabe's bookbag would get some use for once.

Cold weather was the best weather in his opinion. Gabe, even though he believed he had the body to show off, preferred to be covered up and cozy. There was a time and place for wearing "revealing" clothing and 50 degree weather wasn't that.

It wasn't that far of a walk and Gabe kept his headphones in the whole way there. Though his luck with the traffic lights was shit, each time he started to walk up to one it switched lights and he was stuck waiting.

After a while Gabe got confused, he definitely should have noticed The Institute by now. Pulling out his phone, Gabe checked his GPS for its precise location and noticed he completely walked past it.

The photos showed a brick entrance to a building that looked like one of the old private colleges he had toured back in Central Illinois. Surely he hadn't missed that that should stick out like a sore thumb.

The institute was surrounded by normal-looking shops and apartment complexes but seemed to take up most of the surrounding block. It was as if the buildings were a wall to keep whatever was inside from getting out.

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