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Dinozzo's POV

I leans forward in my chair. "You know what I love about mornings McGee?" I asks, McGee gives me a single eyebrow raise, "The silence."

Just as I say it almost as on cue Gibbs walks in, " too bad to break it but we've got a case.Come on people move!" he claps his hands. why does that always work. I grumble as I get into the elevator and then walk over to the car, great what was this one about? "This better be good," McGee grumbles.

We arrive on the scene and I think half of us don't know what we're looking at, "Well McGee you wanted something interesting." I imply.

Gibbs walks over to us, "looks like he was blasted through the chest with a laser. Dinozzo go ask the women over there what happened." "Sir, if I may-" I start. "No questions go!" I walk over and am about to start asking her questions when a black car arrives on the scene. The logo is like a bird or something. I hear Gibbs slowly cuss ,a lot, under his breath. A lady walks out of the car she has short curly red hair. A man walks out next he carries a bow on his back and has blond short hair. Finally an fifteenish year old girl with long black hair walks out of the back she carries a small bag. The women walks straight at Gibbs. The man looks at the girl and says something she replies back. I watch as the women walks back to them and crosses over again to Gibbs. "McGee, I need you," he looks mad real mad. Everyone even the FBI knows not to annoy Gibbs. The one question on my mind is who are these People.

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