Okay this is sad we clear? Good. Let the feels destroy all of us. . .
Abby P.O.V.
Carrying lady, I cry on McGee's shoulder. Autumn was an amazing agent she didn't deserve to die. In the month we've worked to solve this case, she grew on me. I will miss her coming in every day, learning to drive, helping me with my work, and telling me about the infinity stones. I'm not supposed to know about them, but she told me anyway. Until it finally led her to Victorie. They bring out the casket. The man says a few words. I see nine new people join the event. One of them is Tony Stark. Wait, she knew all the avengers?
McGee takes out his flowers and places them on the casket. "Good Luck, probie." that's what he whispers, just that. Dinozzo walks over crying. I miss you probie. I will find who did this," than as if remembering he adds, "and I'll pass on your message." Gibbs places a note and looks around him. It's like he see's the people around him who are dead. I remember them Kate, Ned, and, and the Director. Walking up to the coffin I rest my flowers on top "Just tell me it's another cover, Okay?" I'm sobbing my heart out, "tell me Autumn, somehow. . ."
McGee walks over resting his hand on my shoulder. Looking up I see tears that make his eyes dance in the light. The red haired women, probably Black Widow, comes over she says something foreign and leaves an ID and a folder. She leans over and tells me, " that's Russian for goodnight." I know the caskets empty, but I wish I could see her again. Look at her face and hear her words. Autumn's image impacted us all for better or worse. I'm ready, I hope. They lower it down and, brushing tears from my eyes, Black Widow steps up again. "People impact us. They choose how we are, who we are, and what we do. Today we honor a girl. One who brushed the shadows and stepped into the light." huh? She continues on, "Words. Autumn told me once that words are powerful and deadly things. I know this only because of her. People, Animals, Plants, Creatures. We all are affected by words. One day all of us know they will come by and remove us. People understood what she said. She explained things to anybody. Her words, they-they could cheer anyone up. And now I will say her favorite word. The one I told her I would never say." Shaking her head and crying she continues on, " she always wanted me to say zdorovo. For those who don't understand why. Well it means awesome in russian. I wish that she meets my many friends who have also fallen and they take her in as they did to me." and she walks toward hawkeye.
Bang! The shot rakes through the cemetery. We hear a splinter of wood as an arrow greets it. Well everyone looks at where the shot came from. I look at who fired the arrow. A girl dressed in black looks down at us, only her eyes are visible sharp blue eyes. Seeing me she bolts. Why would she run? Then it hits me. Those were the eyes of a killer.
The problem
ФанфикWhen a dead marine turns up floating in the middle of the national mall with a hole in his chest, two agencies are called to the scene with two different jurisdictions. Now, NCIS and S.H.I.E.L.D. must work to find the lost infinity stone before time...