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Dinozzo P.O.V.

Her scream shook the building and rattled windows. Everyone looked. She was freaking out. I've never seen Winter lose herself. "r-r-run," she stammers and everyone moves. Personal rule #6 Winter is ALWAYS right. Someone pushes her out the door. I stand and help people get out. Istart to look around. Crap. Im not going to make it. Someone flips in and pushes me across the room. Stumbling out the room I look in Winter saved me. "Winter run!" I yell. "I won't make it!" She yells, "Tell McGee he was right!" Her hair is blue. Neon blue. Why did I just notice that? "Because I hid it from you!" she yells across the room. I start to run toward her before being blown back. "AUTUMN!" I yell as the large room explodes around her. "Goodbye," I hear those words in my head. I understand what's happening now. Winter was telepathic, and McGee knew.

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