www.reddit.com/r/ The Chronicles of a Conscripted Soldier/new/
10:46 a.m.
did you read the letters, y'all? like, holy shit!!
ppl cnt sm 2 get ovr this, guys chilllll :Face with Rolling Eyes:
You really do not understand, do you @therealjamieboy ? It's not about getting over something, it's more like acknowledging a horror that we should not make the mistake of repeating.
'k guys, totally unrelated but... does no one notice how they died together? That's true love right there. UwU
Boys take note <3 <3
rlly? @iammiranda , they were killed. it's not that romantic.
also, why do boys need to take note? girls incapable of sensible stuff?
U realize @iammiranda , it is bcoz of ppl like you tht feminists are scorned as pseudo-feminists? :Angry Face:
Chill guys. @iammiranda @imamthegamer @ekatrina_kolyanovna we are taking about the soldier
Thts wot i was talking abt
F*** you
https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/the chronicles of a conscripted soldier?sort=recent
12:42 p.m.
"I would tell you, but for the life of my I cannot find words to describe the rise, the arching crescendo, the fullness, and rightness, and warmth, like a lock finding its key, the river finding the sea, the Earth finding the rain. I think something died in me, and then, was reborn."
I can't guys... I'm dying *fghdifhhifs*
#tcocs #that book tho #book rec #you need to read it asap #honour the soldiers #the chronicles of a conscripted soldier
203954 notes
12:38 p.m.
The thought of two pining soldiers trying to do the right thing does things to my heart.
#tcocs #at war #idiots in love #no they are very brave #srsly #read that #book rec #the chronicles of a conscripted soldier #gonna write a fic on it #i mean why not
6985 notes
12:35 p.m.
Ok y'all can we just appreciate how brave these people were? Like wow!
#tcocs #the chronicles of a conscripted soldier #truth #duty #honour #patriotism #to doing the right thing #protest against injustice #respect war veterans
15698 notes
12:28 p.m.
At War
Romansa"Revenge by young men is considered victory, but old men who stay at home in times of war, and mothers who have sons to lose know better." -Chief Seattle This is an anti- war epistolary novella written for ONC 2022. Prompts 5 and...