Chapter 1

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I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. UGH! Today I have to return to school. I have to say goodbye to my family for the year because Panem High School is a boarding school. HA! Can you even believe that! Imagine having to go to a boarding high school. I look at all of my stuff in a suitcase on the floor. I can see my cheer leading uniform sticking out a bit. I am going into junior year, so now I'm in the older half of the school now. But more annoying little brats come in from middle school so yeah.

I stumble out of bed and get dressed in skinny jeans and a tight t-shirt. I tie my hair in it's normal braid, stuff my phone, in my pocket, zip up my suitcase, and walk nosily down the stairs. Mom has already made breakfast, and Prim, my little sister, who means the world to me, is already eating her toast. "Morning Katniss." Mom says. "Morning." I reply. "Good morning little duck." I say and kiss her head. I sit down and start eating. Dad died in a car crash a few years ago and my mom practically shut down. 

After i'm done with my toast, I get up and load my suitcase into my car. I hug mom and Prim and drive off to Panem High listening to music on my airpods while driving. I come up behind this grandma diving slower than a tortoise. Once I get my chance, I swerve around her and flip her off as I drive by but I don't think she saw. I hope not at least.

Once I pull up into the parking lot, I spot Clove walking aimlessly. I park and hurry out of my car with my suitcase to greet her. She spots me running towards her and she starts to walk towards me. "Hey." I say. "Hey." She says. "Girl, Do you know how shitty my summer was?" I ask her. "Oh Please, My summer was as bad as it gets." Clove responds. "Yeah, right." I say. "My room still stinks from when Prim came in and farted." 

We walk into the main building and go to the main office. Probably the best part of Panem High School is you get to choose your roommate. Me and Clove room together every single year. "Your room number is 435." she says. Sick! Top floor of the dorm building. Me and Clove walk out of the office towards the dormitories. 

On the way we stop and see the 4 members of the football team, Finnick Odair, Marvel Sanford, Cato Hadley, and last but not least, Gale Hawthorne, aka one of the hottest guys in the school. I've liked Gale for years and since we are on the cheer leading squad, we all talk a lot. We can hear them talking about some cousin of Marvel's. I think his name was Quandale Dingle. (Aka I just had to add that.) 

Gale spots me and Clove and then they start walking towards us. "Hey ladies." Gale says. "Gale." I say. "What dorm you guys have?" Cato asks then he winks at Clove. "435." Clove responds. "We have 433." Gale says and gestures to Finnick. "Those losers have 432." Gale says pointing at Marvel and Cato. "Shut up Gale. Who was the one who threw the interception in the semi finals last year?" Marvel says. "AYE! We don't talk about that." Gale says, obviously defeated. "Well see you girls tonight at dinner." Gale says and they walk off. Gale turns around and winks at me and I can feel my Cheeks light up. 

"Hey look it's Mellark." I say. Peeta Mellark is one of the schools nerds and he is captain of the hockey team. (aka best sport ever. According to me.) I couldn't imagine playing hockey. I mean, it's for babies. Like all you do is skate around on ice with a stick and you try to shoot this disk called a puck into a net. We walk over to Mellark and I say, "Well don't you look dumber than ever today." He just walks past me and keeps his conversation going with Thresh. Another nerd and member of the hockey team. They walk towards the dorms and me and Clove follow, pissed off on how they just ignored us. 

We follow them up the stairs to the 4th floor of the dormitories. Shit they are on our floor. These guys are like the least popular in the school, despite being on a sports team. Once we get up the stairs we see Gale has Mellark pinned against the wall and Thresh is no where to be seen.

"So you just came back for another year Mellark? Doing your job of making the school shitty?" Gale asks.

"Yeah I guess I did come back if I'm standing right here dumbass." Mellark says.

Gale punches him in the face and blood starts pouring from his nose. I don't feel bad at all for the guy. He is a living dump. We all start cracking up at the blood pouring from Mellark's nose. "Try talking to me like that again Mellark." Gale says. "Say less player." Mellark says. Gale has a big dating history but you can't take that against him. Gale's face fumes up and he gives Mellark a ton of rights to the face. More blood is pouring from Mellark's nose and there is a bruise developing under his eye.

When Gale finally lets him go and we all walk off laughing. "Did you see his face?" Clove says. "Those were some nice punches." I say trying to be flirtatious with Gale. "The kid looked like a fish out of water." Marvel says. "Yeah he was just like, Oh no, Please don't punch me!" I say. "That's a good impression." Gale says. "We should go watch a movie!" Finnick randomly says. We all agree and go to mine and Clove's room and we are eventually joined by Glimmer, another part of our cheer squad. "How's the head cheer leader!" She asks me. "Bored." I say. "That's too bad." she says.

"So what movie we watching?" I ask. 

"I was thinking Forrest Gump." Finnick says. 

We all agree. While we are at the part when Forrest meets bubba I spot Mellark running into the woods behind the school. I decide not to give a crap. He'll die in there anyway. I enjoy the movie while it lasts and when it's finished I spot Mellark run back out of the woods. I guess he didn't die. Once everyone leaves the room, I shower and then fall asleep dreaming about Gale, with a full year of classes ahead.     

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