Chapter 4

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After we're done writing are lines, Coin lets us go for the day. Once we get out of the office, all the boys start to talk and scream about how stupid Mellark is. I'm not paying any attention though because I am trying to think of a plan to get back at Mellark. I know me Clove and Glimmer can't do anything physically, because he is stronger than any of us thought, we can't use words really either, because he's got a smart and effective tongue and can roast you so badly you'll have nothing to say. 

We need to overpower him I think. But how. My first thought is the woods, but then I remember how he just ditched us, and got us detentions for being late to class. Then I realize that we could do it at the school's ice rink. After the hockey team's first practice we can overpower him when he walks out of the arena.

I tell my idea to the group and they agree immediately. Again. Mellark just has it coming to him. He aint' getting away with any shit this time. And if he does. Then lets just say... We will be relentless on trying to make him hurt.

The day of the hockey practice I meet Gale, Finnick, Cato, Marvel, Clove and Glimmer outside the rink. The practice is just about to end. "Stand here and when he walks out the door, Beat him up." I say going over the plan one more time. 

About 20 minutes later, I see a boy, walk out of the rink. It's Mellark alright. We sneak up behind him and Gale spins him around and punches him directly in the nose. Mellark is down on the ground and we all start pounding him. Then Gale flips Mellark over so he's lying on his stomach. He pins one of his arms to his back and grabs hold of Mellark's left arm and starts bending it at the shoulder, slowly bending it more and more. "GALE STOP PLEASE! DON'T! PLEASE!" Mellark pleads. We all laugh. "Go head Gale! Do it!" I encourage him. "Do it Gale!" The whole group echos. All of a sudden we hear a loud "CRACK" and Mellark starts to scream, and cry out in pain. This clearly indicates his arm is broken. "Think twice before you sell us out again." Gale says. We all walk away and I take one last glance at Mellark laying on his side, moaning at the pain he's in. I can't help but feel bad for him, but he deserves it.


(Plot twist) Annie Cresta's Pov

I am sitting behind a box listening to the football team, and cheerleaders abuse Peeta. Then I hear Peeta pleading for them to stop. I get confused and then I see Gale's got Peeta pinned to the ground and bending his arm aggressively at his shoulder. Clearly trying to brake his arm. I gasp horrified, then I see that bitch Katniss Everdeen cheering Gale on to brake his arm. Then the rest of their group chimes in and the worst part is, one of them is Finnick Odair. My long time crush. I'm lost in thought when I hear a loud CRACK and Peeta scream in pain multiple times. 

I am absolutely terrified now. I duck back behind the box and I start to sob quietly, so they don't hear me. I can't believe they would do this. "They broke his arm." I mutter quietly to myself. They just leave Peeta on the pavement parking lot of the hockey rink, moaning in pain, with a broken arm. Once the coast is clear I run back into the rink to get the rest of the hockey team to help get Peeta to the E.R. I run down the hall towards the locker rooms where the guys on the hockey team are having a chat. 

I burst in the door and frantically pant "Th- They- They broke Peeta's arm." I say. Everyone knows who when I say "they" who it was. They all shoot up of the benches they sit on and quicly run after me, following me to the parking lot, where Peeta is still there in the middle of the street, moaning on the ground trying to crawl to his stuff. 

The team rushes over to him and they pick him up, leaning him against his hockey bag. "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Thresh yells. "On it." A guy named Thom says. Soon an ambulance arrives and the people inside it grab a stretcher and hoist Peeta into the back of the ambulance. "Two people are allowed in here with him." A doctor says. We decide Thresh and Blight will go in with Peeta, and the rest of us follow the ambulance to the hospital. Once we get there we have to sit in a waiting room while Peeta gets x-rays. When he walks out of the room he has a black cast which is put in a sling. 

"I'll sign once I get my hands on a silver sharpie." Thresh jokes. "Same here." says Blight. "Yeah good luck with that." Peeta mumbles. We all laugh and I text my friends, Johanna, Madge, and Delly, that the assholes broke Peeta's arm and we are just getting out of the hospital. Then we all drive back to campus. 

We are greeted by tons of people out front. They all want a glimpse at Peeta, The boy that stood up for all of them and had to pay a price. Apparently Johanna told the whole school. I find my group in the crowd and head over to them. "I'm gonna kill those people if it's the last thing I do." Johanna says. "Good luck with that Jo." Madge says. "Don't underestimate her." I say. "Thank you Annie." Johanna murmurs. In the mean time, Thresh is asking everyone if they have a silve sharpie, and when he finally gets one he scribbles his name down on Peeta's cast. 

And then people are lining up to sign Peeta's cast as the hockey team, (cough cough) Blight, and Thom push to the front of the line. "Thanks a lot Thresh." Peeta says sarcastically. "Now I'll be here all night." "Hey no problem man! I just got you your 100 snapchat followers you wanted by the end of the year." Thresh replies trying to sound as joyful as possible. See? Katniss, Gale, Cato, Marvel, Clove, Glimmer, and sadly Finnick, can't ruin anyone's life. Not as long as we've got people to look up too and be there for each other.

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