Chapter 48

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"Okay so obviously both of our parents are at one table, so 4 or 6 per table?" I scratch my forehead. "6 sounds good, who else at their table?" He asks. "Ummm zoe and her partner?" I suggest. "Yeah sure" he says.

I nod putting it on the chart I made so we know where the bridal party and our close family members are. We're at a table with our bridal party and then the other guests can sit wherever they want. We're also going with a DJ instead of a live band and there will be an area for kids to nap if they want.

We move onto the date. March 24th 2025. That's now less than a year from now. "What do we have left?" He asks. "Still gotta finish the guest list, your suit and the grooms suits, my dress and the bridesmaids dresses" I answer looking at the list. We know what type of cake and dessert we want we are waiting to find a bakery until after my ep is out.

After it is out and I'm done with promoting it we're taking a break to finish the last few details. Since we aren't going to be very busy after the wedding and bentleys second birthday jack wants to go on tour and start the next album. So that means we're going as well.

Next year is going to be very chaotic but I am looking forward to it. We decide to take a break from planning to go back to writing.

We've been back in Atlanta for a few weeks now so we've been switching between wedding planning and writing. "Ready to go to the studio?" He asks. "Yeah let me make sure bentleys bag is packed" i answer.

"Babe it is don't worry" he reassures me. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yes I added diapers too" he answers. "God I love you" I whisper leaning up and kissing him. "Love you too" he smiles kissing me back gently.

I hear a plop and turn my head looking in that direction "oh baby are you okay?" I run over to see Bentley. He started walking a few days ago and falls a lot. "Uh oh" he says. I cover my mouth kneeling down and he stares at me blinking.

He lifts his hand and pokes my forehead making jack and I both laugh. "Hi bud" jack waves. His eyes light up and he waves excitedly "da da" he says. Jack gasps and I smile "is that daddy?" I ask. "Da da" he repeats.

"Let's see if he can stand" jack whispers. I sit up with my knees "I don't know about that babe" I reply. We attempt to help him but he can't do it on his own yet so Jack picks him up carrying him out to the car.

We are still unfortunately using a rental car and staying at the airbnb, we can move into the condo in a couple of days and then we'll furnish it. We won't be back in Louisville until after the EP promotion so our house there is bare.

Dru is already in the studio when we get there. He smiles excitedly taking Bentley "hey buddy!" He says sitting in the corner. I sit grabbing my notebook and we dive into finishing writing the second song.

"Are there any collabs?" Dru asks. "Not that I've been planning" I answer. "Would you do one?" He asks. "with who?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "Yeah dru with who?" Jack asks. "Obviously jack" he answers.

He looks over at Jack and shrug "do you want to?" I ask. "Sure I liked the interlude we can do something upbeat?" He suggests. "Oooh okay! Let's finish this song and then we'll so that one" I reply. "Sounds good" he whispers kissing the side of my head.

About an hour or two later we're done that one so we start on the one jack will feature on. "This is fire!" Dru says as we're singing lines trying to figure the lines out. "Let's record it" jack says. "Today?" I ask.

"Yeah why not" he shrugs standing up holding out his hand. I stand up and we go inside the booth, dru has the beat mixed and we start recording it, taking a bit to get the lines sung properly. "What if we just add a ratata and deepen it between those two lines?" Jack asks. Dru gives him a thumbs up and we go for it.

We spend a few more hours there, I changed Bentley a few times, fed him and he even napped while sitting on Jack's lap while we wrote.


The next few weeks go by and Jack has more promo to do but in LA so while we are there we're catching up with stella and madeline as well meaning while Jack is filming for james Corden's carpool karaoke the three of us decide to go look at dresses.

It's now mid june so there are many brides here getting final touches on their dresses done just in time for their wedding day. "So a lilac for the bridesmaids?" Jordan the girl helping us asks.

"Yes" I answer. "And theres 2 of you?" She asks. "No 3, my sisters in louisville" I answer. "Ahhh well okay they are right over on the right and the wedding dresses are on the left and more in the back" she let's us know before we wonder around.

We find a bunch of different options trying them on. They both fit perfectly into the same style of dress and I found a couple I like. "We can combine them if you would like" Jordan says. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah" she answers.

I sit down with her and she sketches something out before showing it to me. "That's perfect" I say. "Alright, it'll take a few months if that's okay" she says. "Yeah definitely it's not until march" I reply. "How long have you been with your fiance?" She asks.

"Just over 2 years" I answer. "That's awesome" she replies. "Yeah it's been a wild two years that's for sure" I smile. "How so?" She raises her eyebrows. "Within a month of us starting to date I was on tour with him as a hair stylist and then got pregnant a week or so after the tour ended and didnt find out until I was on a different tour with another artist" I explain.

Her eyes widen and she nods "yeah that seems wild well you seem happy and excited" she says. I nod and we finish up the details before the 3 of us head out to meet up with the boys.

Jack pulls me close when I get back to the hotel. "How was it?" He asks. "Found the dress" I smile. "Really?" He asks. I nod "yes well its complicated, I liked 2 dresses so they are getting the designer to combine the best things about them to make one dress" I answer.

"Ooooh well I'm excited to see you in it" he says. "Mmm I'm excited to be married" I reply. "Me too" he smiles. "How was the james Corden thing?" I ask. "So fun I'm excited for you to watch it" he says.

I raise my eyebrows "oh?" I question. "He asked about you" he smiles. "Oh?" I ask. "All good things were said" he says taking Bentley from me.

For the rest of the day we sit at the desk writing. We are almost done we have 2 more songs and then hopefully by September it'll be done recorded and produced and I can put it out.

When this started I was scared and nervous but now I am excited, I've gotten some pointers from Julia Michael's and even doja cat dmd me on insta.

I'm thankful for everything going on in my life right now and I am only going to get happier. "So when did you tweet about making music?" He asks. "Last week" i answer.

He nods and sits there in silence thinking for a few minutes. "So every few days tweet out a couple lyrics and see if they catch on" he suggests. "Ooooh good idea!" I say grabbing my phone and tweeting out lyrics from the first track.

Within seconds theres a ton of replies. Eveyones confused. I giggle showing jack and he chuckles "so many of them are like what the fuck?" He says. "And a few saying song lyrics.

"Should we stir the pot some more?" Jack asks. "How?" I ask. "Tiktok" he answers grabbing his phone. He makes a tiktok using his part from the interlude, someone added it as a sound which I'm fine with now. He even captions it 'look out for me music from us'.

He posts it and then we go back to writing letting chaos ensue on tiktok and twitter. "I'm tired can we just watch a movie and be lazy?" I ask. He chuckles and nods "yeah we can do that" he replies.

I crawl into bed after picking Bentley up from the bassinet and putting him between us. "Aye don't throw things bud" jack says after Bentley throws a toy across the bed. We sit back and watch a movie with Bentley playing with his toys between us.

Bentley ends up falling asleep between us so we don't bother moving him and we sleep with him there making sure we don't roll over on him.


Weeeeeeeee 2 more! Give me yo thoughts please! (Edited because I realized his bday is march 13th lol)

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