Chapter 37

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I've been thinking about when this story is going to end and well idk I've been writing for 9ish years now and have never had this problem lol so I'm going to do a poll on my Twitters after this is posted (inner_ch1ld & ikellxc0rpse) so you guys can decide for me lol anywho I hope you enjoy :)


"Jack, Can you grab him new pants his are now soiled!?" I yell from the nursery. He comes in rubbing his eyes tiredly grabbing new pants and handing them over. "Thank you" I whisper.

After getting him changed I swaddle him while jack starts packing his own bag for the start of tour. I packed mine and bentleys yesterday, we're gonna be on the road for a couple months before taking a couple week break then there is a European leg of the tour.

Today we are heading to miami and it starts in a few days from there we're on a tour bus going north and then west once we do New York kind of like last tour. We also have a couple days in canada again.

He finishes packing and we get going to the airport via uber. We're all taking a private jet to get there to avoid well the public. Yesterday I also spent some with the girls, we had the salon closed and did each others hair and then we went and got our nails done.

I put my hood on before getting out to grab Bentley from the back. He's now about 4 months old and has grown so much but I know he's only going to grow more.

"Jack! How do you feel about going on tour now that you're a dad?" The paparazzi asks jack as I'm getting bently. "Only thing that has changed is bringing him on the road" he answers simply before we go up into the jet. Almost everyones there we're just waiting for dru.

We sit waiting for dru and I rest my head on Jack's shoulder "I'm tired" I whisper. "You can sleep I'll wake you if he needs feeding" he whispers kissing my forehead. "Thank you" I whisper closing my eyes.

I end up sleeping for the whole flight, jack had found a bottle I had ready for Bentley in his bag so he didn't wake me until we were about to land. "Feel better?" He asks. I nod smiling "yes I do" I answer. We get our bags and go out to the waiting tour bus.

There are a few days here and there we'll be in a hotel, and not everyday is a show day he has a few photoshoots and interviews to do in New York and a few small side shows in Orlando. This tour is longer than the last one, theres 3 or 4 days between each show. It should be just as fun as the last one.

When we get to Orlando I'm hoping we can take bentley to disney for one of the free days. We both want Bentley to experience a lot in life and traveling is apart of that. This is his first tour outside my body and I'm excited for it.

"What are the plans for the day?" I ask looking at jack. "Its a free day so whatever we want" he answers. I nod and lay on the couch with Bentley laying on my chest for tummy time.

As I'm watching him lift his head and smile at me I giggle and start playing peek a boo, a few minutes later I feel my phone vibrate so I look at it.

Jack: *video attachment*

He took a video of us. I look over at jack and he's smiling "I couldn't help it" he says. I smile and blow him a kiss "thank you" I reply. "You should post it" he suggests. "It's cute how could I not?" I reply saving it and posting it on my insta story.

After a little bit jack takes Bentley and puts him down for a nap. Jack lays on the other couch and I look over at him "can I come cuddle?" I ask. He smiles nodding "yeah come here baby" he answers.

I stand up and lay ontop of him resting my head in the crook of his neck. "You're so comfy" I whisper. He smiles gently drawing circles on my back "you are too" he whispers. "I love you" I whisper gently kissing his neck.

"I love you too baby" he whispers. I lift my head and kiss the tip of his nose "I love you more" I whisper back. "Nope" he replies. "Oh yeah?" I ask. He nods moving some hair behind my ear and cupping the side of my face "yes" he whispers.

Dru comes out from the back and sits on the other couch texting on his phone. "What are our plans?" He asks. "I have no idea I've never been to miami" I reply. "Well we've gotta go out then" he says. "Mmm there is simply one problem with that" jack says. "And what's that?" He asks. "Uh Bentley" I answer.

He sighs "right I forgot" he says. "We can figure something out isn't there a zoo?" I ask. "That's probably closed" jack says. "Not sure then" I frown laying my head back in the crook of his neck.

We sit in silence for a little bit with my head still in the crook of jacks neck then Bentley starts crying. I frown getting up and getting him "babe can you get a bottle and diaper? I wanna be prepared for either" I ask.

"I gotchu" he replies. I grab Bentley and check his diaper, completely full. I sigh "alright diaper me" I say. He chuckles "I can do it" he says. "Okay" I reply handing bentley over to him.

He takes him to the back to change him and I lay back on the couch scrolling through my phone. Instagrams filled with replies from friends and then comments about my post about going on tour again. Lots of people loving that we're being a bit more open.

Just hope we won't regret it.

After a couple minutes they come back in and I sit up cuddling them. Instead of going out we decide to just spend the night on the tour bus and have our time to ourselves before the chaos truely happens.

Since we're parked outside the venue we had food delivered and then we got bently to sleep, this bus has 4 bunks and then a back room with a bed for jack and i where we have a small bassinet set up for Bentley.

He has started to roll around so we are careful with how he sleeps and i make sure I have a hand on him if I have to reach for anything or i get jack to get me what I need.

As I'm laying on Jack's chest again I look over at dru texting on his phone. "Who ya texting?" I ask. "Nun ya" he replies. I roll my eyes "babe he's mean" I whisper. "Dru who are you texting?" Jack asks. He looks up at us and raises his eyebrows "why would you like to know?" He asks.

I roll my eyes "because I'm nosey duh" I reply. Jack laughs "I am too" he replies. Dru groans "stella I'm textin stella" he answers then goes back to his phone.

"Holy shit" jack whispers. I lift my head "what?" I ask. "He's never been like that" he replies. "Really?" I ask. He nods "yeah stella must have him whipped" he whispers. I giggle and lay my head back in the crook of his neck occasionally leaving kisses.

At about 11pm we decide to go to the bed and fall asleep spooning with our son laying next to us, dru in a bunk with a few dancers in the others.

I'm excited for this tour and what our future is to bring.


Ahhhh I would've gotten this up earlier but uh harry styles was performing at coachella so I was watching that lol I hope you enjoyed this one :) more tour chapters!

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