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Side Note: First chapter!!  'Sucker for Blood' was actually never meant to be published until I gave it a makeover and restarted! Ignore my spelling errors and grammar too please, I have my brain turned off from 3-11 PM which is going to be when I upload. Love ya! 

Ariana Walter 

The shower mist fogged the glass door and I stepped out of the shower, dripping wet as the mist cleared. I pulled my towel tighter around myself and walked to the counter, my vision blurry as I picked up my foggy glasses. Glasses! What a riot. A famous model like myself would NEVER be caught DEAD wearing glasses. I'm sorry its just..... it ruins some looks..... I dried my skin off using the towel and put my hair up to dry before putting on some lotion as a knock on the door startled me and I sprayed lotion everywhere!! 


I shrieked as I scrambled for my shaving razor and aimed it at the door. I heard laughter outside, too familiar and relaxed.

"Chillax Ari, its Lora. I just wanted to come see you because I have nEwS!!" 

Lora said. The last part she said in a sing-song voice as I sighed and rushed for my brush and began to brush my hair and set the cream down on the counter. God she scared me and man was I jumpy. I pulled on a quick outfit. Simple, casual, a branded T-Shirt (Of course, my brand) and some short-short shorts before I took my glasses off and put my contact lenses on and opened the door, mist followed me outside and I saw Lora outside, her usual self sitting on my bed with bubble-gum in her mouth. She was wearing a purple sweater and black skinny jeans. Her nails were a vibrant pink and her blonde hair fell down her back. Her phone was out and she was texting and she saw me just as I was about to loom over her and scare the shit outta her. She hates stalkers and people that just stare at you. I cant blame her though, she was stalked a while back when she first started StarGram. 

"Oh, Hello there" she said as she put her phone away and sat up on my bed, bouncing with excitement and I wringed out my hair as the water fell onto my carpet. "Whats so urgent I almost sprayed my shaving cream at you?" I asked and sat on my bed with her. I mean, it was MY bed so..... she bounced around and then squealed in excitement. "Our class gets to go to a field trip!!" she squealed and I raised an eyebrow at her. Unexciting. I've been to a private island, glamping, Hollywood, met Kim K (And got her #), and I already went to the zoo countless times. Our most exciting field trip was a museum. A kid tripped and crashed into a mummy's tomb and the ACTUAL mummy came rolling out. Exciting, right? 

She sighed and then put her hands on my shoulder but I brushed my pink hair out of my face and retorted before she could say something snarky. "Lora, going to see a famous battle ground is NOT exciting. Let me repeat that again because last time we went there you said 'Oh my god, send me to hell NOW I hateeeee this place its sooooooooo boring' and then you got or teacher fired for putting you in detention for saying that infront of the tour guide." 

Lora sighed and it was her turn to raise an eyebrow at me. "Well, I regret saying 'send me to hell' now 'cause guess what!! Were going to tour the science lab that is trying to open a portal to hell!!" she squealed and I looked astonished. "Wait, really? Dont mess with me now or I will legit SLAP you" I told her and crossed my arms, she smiled and shook her head. "I aint joking!! Check your inbox!" she screamed and lunged for my phone, using the face ID to unlock it and speed to my inbox. 

"Wait, Lora you cant just-" but she was already on the email and squealing and jumping up and down. "Approve! Approve!" she screamed at me, her now bubble-gum smelling breath right up in my face and I clicked the 'Approve' on the screen and then hesitated sending it back to the sender. 

"Wait Lora, what if my dad is mad at me because it says here if you approve you immediatly get 360$ taken out of your bank account for the transaction to pay for the field trip...." I said and began to bite my finger nails. I dont understand also, how would they even manage to get to our accounts???? I sighed but just then a servant knocked on the door with a plate filled to the top with cupcakes and other treats. The maid bowed before setting the platter on the desk and as she left, Lora attacked the cupcakes, stuffing each one into her mouth right after the first. I smirked and leaned against the wall. "What, do your parents not feed you??" I asked and then she swallowed the load of cupcakes. 

"Strict diet. Model stuff" She said to me and proceeded to stuff treat after to treat into her mouth and I barely got to them when there was only around five left. Damn that girl can EAT. I stuffed a cupcake into my mouth and read the E-Mail over. It wasnt likely our school would send out EMAILS to us, usually they would send us home with a piece of paper. I was just CASUALLY thinking this over when I heard a door slam shut downstairs and I freaked. 

"Oh god, Lora go. Go. Go. Go. Before my dad kills ya" I said as I dragged her away from the cupcakes and to the window. She knew how to climb out my window since my dad hated it when she was over. He disliked how she always made a mess of things and because she was the reason I was so 'rebellious' these days. Lora was on the ground and waving to me as she sprinted to her MANSHUN (Spell Error, Ik) and then my door slammed open and in came a very, very, angry father....... 

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