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I screamed out as I fell down a long tunnel, my butt hit several rocks and I nearly vomited twice. 

Rocks dug into my skin and I swallowed so much dust and dirt, my mouth tasted like soil.

Finally, I saw a bright light and realized I was getting to the end, the hands had stopped dragging me down so I tried to stop myself, as I came to the very end, I saw that I was about to drop about 40 feet. I started to dig my heels into the dirt and claw at the rocks and try to stop myself, but it was no use. I fell out of the hole and onto my back, I heard a loud crack and my ears started to ring, I must've broken something, but the pain slowly went away and I stood up, my eyes watered and I smelled an awful smell....

It reminded me of the time I accidentally walked into my neighbors children burning the school bully alive. 

I plugged my nose and looked around and cried out, infront of me were rows of people, they were groaning and moaning as they trudged through pits of fire, but they were only in up to their necks, once in a while one screamed as they tripped and burned their face and eyes. I felt bile rise up into my throat and turned around and threw up whatever had been left in my stomach.

I was in HELL. Literally. 

I started to run away from the people, burning, but as I ran my legs gave out and I tumbled down to the ground. There was definitely something different about me, but I just wish I had better indurance or I had super speed or something. 

I saw another light and ran towards it again, faster, maybe heaven and hell were connected? Maybe God could send me back to earth and send the Bats back to hell.

But as I got closer I realized that I wasn't going to Heaven, I was going towards a club. All the walls were glass and the purple and blue lights flashed through the walls, across from it was a bar made out of brick and right next to that was a clothing store.

I walked inside the club, maybe there were mortals in here that could help me.

Humans. Humans, not mortals. 

I opened up the clubs doors and walked towards the bar, a woman wearing a short black dress with red, fiery hair was turned towards a man, talking to him. 

I sat down on a stool and immediatly stiffened up to what they were talking about.

"See? All kids want to do is play on their phones. Snapchat, Instagram, or TikTok. Thats it!" the women said and then I heard the man.

"I know! My son was BEGGING me for money for.... Robox? No... Roblox! He said, I will only buy 20$ worth. So I tell him 'Ok son, just 20$' and the next day, I check my bank account and he spent over 100 dollars. So I punished him but pullin off all his fingernails. He tried to scratch ma eye out!! See???" 

I turned to look at the man and he PULLED his eye out and turned it over, on the other side were a bunch of scratches.

I screamed and fell off the stool, the woman and man turned to look at me and the man put his eye back in. 

Shorter chapter but I just needed to get this up. Its only 500 words so sorry!

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