Back Again

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Italics = Character's thoughts

The purple robotic rabbit sat up from the chair it's sitting in. It's red eyes still loading, trying to figure out what happened. The eyes glanced over and looked on all sides. They stopped when they found a small child. He was probably in third grade and had fluffy brown hair with almond brown eyes. He wore a blue shirt with two stripes on it. The robotic rabbit scanned the boy.

"Hm. How odd. You don't have a guest profile. What's your name?" The rabbit asked.

The boy, clearly taken aback by the sudden outburst of the rabbit, simply looked at him.

"I-I...I'm Gregory" the boy muttered.

"Gregory.. that's a lovely name!" The rabbit responded.

The boy's face softened a bit.

"Thank you."

The boy paused a moment and looked behind him, at the doors with Freddy, Chica, Monty and Roxy's colors on them.

"What's your name?" The boy asked curiously.

"I'm Glamrock Bonnie!" The animatronic exclaimed.

The child gasped.

"You're the animatronic that Freddy mentioned! He misses you. Also, I think I saw your name in some emails somewhere..." Gregory explained.

"Freddy...? He misses me?" Bonnie asked, a little confused.

"Oh course! I don't know how long you were gone but he used to talk about you a lot!" Gregory said rather quickly.

"I...I don't know how long I was gone...I don't even remember what happened..." Bonnie said quietly.

"Well I know that we should go surprise Freddy! He'll be so happy!!" Gregory exclaimed happily.

Bonnie noticed how happy the child looked. It brought him a strange sense of peace. He was happy when this boy was happy. It's like it was in his code...Maybe it was...

The purple robotic bunny got up and walked over to the child. Gregory grabbed Bonnie's pointer finger and started pulling him to the stage elevator. Once they were on, Gregory pressed the button and they went up. Bonnie's eyes feasted upon the Pizzaplex. It felt like he hadn't seen it in a lifetime. Sundrop came running over.

"Where have you been!? Everyone's been on emergency looking for you!!" Sundrop explained loudly.

"Sorry....I found him and then fixed him..." Gregory muttered before yawning. Suddenly his legs felt really heavy and he dropped to the ground. Sundrop kneeled down to his level.

"This is why you need sleep, friend. Especially children" Sundrop said calmly.

Gregory yawned.

"What time is it? How long was I hiding?" Gregory asked.

"I'm pretty sure you've been up all night. Its just nearing 5:30am" Sundrop explained.

Gregory smiled. It was a tired, cute smile.

"Well at least Freddy will be happy.." Gregory muttered before falling asleep in Sundrop's arms.

"I'll take him back to the daycare" Sundrop said.

" you know where Freddy is?" Bonnie asked.

"No..he's probably still looking for Gregory. If you see him please let him know that he's sleeping in the daycare" Sundrop said before walking away, with the child sleeping soundlessly in his arms.

Sundrop quietly opened the doors of the daycare. The lights were already off and then Moondrop came out. He gently set Gregory down and covered him up.

A Short Story: Freddy And GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now