Chapter 2

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Clemonts P.O.V.

I woke up suddenly not really knowing why. I looked at the clock beside my bed seeing it read 2:43 AM. I sighed tired from todays events with the gym challangers. They were getting more difficult by the day.

I got up wanting to walk around not feeling very sleepy at the moment. I walked out of the room and down the hall passing by my little sister bonnie in the prosses. She was practically falling off the bed. I smiled and continued walking down the hallway.

Heading into the kitchen something seemed to catch my eye. I looked over at a small table in the corner of the room. Next to the vase that serena had sent to me from a shop last year filled with the pretty lily flowers bonnie gave me the other day, was a picture frame. The picture inside was a picture of me, ash and bonnie. Ash was giving me that cute side hug he does to me while bonnie was holding onto my arm smiling.

I smiled a bit. I remembered when serena took that photo. Our adventure in kalos together had ended about a year and a half ago and I still missed him. Him as in Ash ketchum. I had kind of a thing for the boy and I never got the chance to tell him. Serena had told me the kiss she had given him at the airport didnt mean anything along the lines of liking him, and said I shouldnt give up on him.

I blushed a bit wondering when I would see him next. I looked out the window relizing it was raining quite a bit. My eyes widened a bit as I relized I needed to go out there. I didnt know why I did but I knew to trust my gut and go.

I went to the front door of the gym. There were many entrances but this one seemed like the way to go. I hesatated, my hand lingering over the door. I then relized I was acting stupid so I just opened the door. I walked out, my head getting wet from all the rain.

I sighed wondering why it was so worth it going out when i heard a small sneeze "p-chu..." My eyes widened.

I ran out further to see the last person I had expected. Ash Ketchum along with his little pikachu, both unconsious. I rushed over completely forgetting about everything else. "Ash?! Wake up!" I exclaim. I panic more when I see there are multiple scrapes and cuts on his arms and ankles, as well as his head which was covered with dried blood.

I must have had the biggest rush of adrenalyn ever because I was able to pick up both ash and pikachu and carry them up the stairs, through the livingroom, kitchen, and hallway all the way to my bedroom.

I placed them on the bed and rushed to my dresser to grab the first aid kit. Either I was being too loud or she actually fell out of her bed, but Bonnie comes walking in rubbing her tired eyes with dedenee on her sholder doing the same "Clemont whats going ooON OH MY GOSH IS THAT ASH?! IS HE OK?!" she exclaims while rushing over to the bed he was on.

I looked at her "Hes gonna be fine. Can you get me a bowl of water and a small towel?" I ask still panicking a bit. She nodded and rushes off now fully awake. I grabbed some gauze and wrap bandaids while waiting for Bonnie to come back.

I see out of the corner of my eye her rushing back with the things I asked for "Thank you." I say taking the towel and dipping it in the water. I procceded to clean his wounds. Most of them werent that bad, just little scrapes. But some of them needed butterfly bandages in place of stiches. I then wrapped up ash's worser cuts with the wrap bandaids. I then relized that he was soaked due to the rain. I quickly took off his shirt and pants blushing at his fit body. I rush over to my dresser and grab a pair of spare clothes. I put them on him. At least he wasnt cold anymore...

After I was done with him I moved onto pikachu. "Heliolisk come on out!" I shouted to my faithful pokemon in the pokeball. She came out and took a look at what was going on "Use heal pulse on pikachu!" I commanded. She nodded using the move right away (Idk if heliolisk would actuaally know this move but lets just go with it.) Pikachu got better instantly and sprang up "pika...?" he said confused.

"Pikachu! What happened?! Why are you two here? What happened to make you so hurt?" I ask panicking. Pikachu looks confused before lookig around only to find ash on the bed passed out and all bandaged up. He rushed over to his trainer worried "PIKACHUUUUUU!!" he exclaims letting out electric power on ash. Ash sits up startled and looks around.

"Clemont?..." he asks seeming to tear up a bit. I smile just happy to see him alright "Hey ash..." he stares at me before breaking down "C-clemont! It was just like in the dream and-and I was tied up and it was so dark and cold and I couldnt find pikachu and the man... im so scared Clemont! I was just in Kanto and then I was in a dark room and then I wake up here?! What is going on with me?!" He exclaims clearly stressed out.

I frown not likeing this ash one bit. I brought him in for a hug "Hey hey hey its ok. Ur safe now so dont worry about a thing. Now tell me exactly what happened from the very beginning ok? Its ok ash I got you." I reassured him.

He nodded and looked at me with glassy eyes "For the past week I've been having the reoccurring dream where in in a room all chained up and hurt. At the end a man come up to me and as soon as I'm about to see his face the dream ends and I wake up. Well I was leaving my hotel and suddenly everything goes back. After that I can't remember anything except one thing. Chains around my wrist and ankles and most of all the dark musty room. That I know wasn't a dream cause I'm in sooo much pain right now. But then I just remember waking up here with you. It was a big relief though" He explained

"Well this makes no sense at all. How the heck did you get here? Its convenient considering your with me again but still..." I trail off. Just what was going on. He looked at me with a pleading look obviously worried. I couldn't blame him though. I was worried too. I looked at him "Well how about we look into this tomorrow hm?" I ask. He nodded looking at his hands but looked at me "H-hey clemont...?" He asks hesatant. I looked at him "Whats up ash?" I asked wondering if he needed anything. Id give him anything at this point (ay yo don't think like that.) "Uh... could you stay and sleep with me? I don't want that happening again..." he says a bit red in the face. I blushed madly but smiled none the less "Of course ash anything. " I smile again very happy.

I heard a small snort behind me and I turned around. 'CRAP I forgot about Bonnie' I think knowing exactly what she was gonna do. Ever since I came out to her she's still been trying to find me a keeper and now that ash was here she would see this as bait. Ash didnt seem to notice her so she looked at me and raised her eyebrows up and down and then ran off into her room. I groaned internally. I loved her but she was so annoying sometimes.

I looked at ash. "Cmon let's lay down. We're gonna need our rest for tomorrow. He nodded and layer down under the king sized covers. I lay on the other side of him and looked over at his sad eyes "Cant sleep?" I ask. "Mhmm... I just... how could I have ever gotten here? I didnt even have enough money for a plane ticket and Kalos is quite far from Kanto..." he looked at me in the eyes "Clemont I'm worried... I most likely got hit in the head cause well..." he pointed to his bandage on his head. "I don't have any enemies besides team rocket and I don't think they would ever go this far! I haven't even seen then since about a week ago..." I nodded then noticing something. Ash was holding his arm really hard "Hey do you want some pain killers? There not that strong but they could help a little bit?" He looks at me greatful as I reach over to the first aid on the night stand.

I give him 2 small white capsules and he swallow them. He then yawns "I'm gonna go to sleep. Goodnight Clemont. Thank you for saving me out there..." I smile "No problem buddy..."

💋Hey yallll its Emma and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have school tomorrow but I'm still gonna post a chapter later that night most likely. If I don't its cause I have dance and I might be tired after so yea- but I will try my best. Anyways byeeee live ya!!💋

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