Chapter 7

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Clemont p.o.v

We hopped up and started for the door. "The RP club had been around for about 5 or 6 years. I don't know who runs it but its where a lot of tourists go when they come around here." I stated. Ash nodded before pulling out his phone again "RP...c-l-u-b......owners. " he spelled aloud while typing into the search bar.

"Weird... it doesn't say anything about who the owners are on here..." he said, puzzled. That was kind of weird that they wouldn't show the owners of the club especially since it was quite famous.

"Were gonna have to take the monorail over to it if we wanna get there before noon." I said as we crossed the street over to the station.

After getting inside we went to go get our tickets. Sadly the earliest ride was a half hour from now so we sat down in a silence.

I looked over at ash to see if he was ok. This had to have been putting a lot of pressure on him. I noticed him fidgeting with his fingers seeming to be deep in thought. I was about to ask if he was alright but he beat me to it.

"Clemont... do you think team flare had some sort of backup plan just in case something like this happened?" He asked not looking up. I thought for a second. It wasn't completely impossible. Team flare wasn't exacly stupid. I mean they were but not in the sense that they wouldn't have a backup plan. "That could be the case. You know what? The jail cells are heald around the RP Club. We could play a little visit to that scientist?"

He looked at me and nodded. We were gonna need all the evidence we could get.

After that we just kinda talked about things that. About what we've been doing and big things that have happened. I talked about how I was thinking of traveling because clembot was getting more popular by the second.

"You're really thinking about traveling?" Ash asked kind of excited. I nodded "I don't get much experience in the gym. And clembot loves battling trainers. I even asked him to take the week for me and he was so happy about it." I say smiling.

"Hey clemont?" Ash says after a little while. "Yea whats up?" He paused and looked at me "M-maybe you would wanna travel with me? You can leave any time of course and you really don't have to and-" "Ash! I would love to travel with you and I won't leave unless you want me to." I smiled. He smiled back.

"Well great! Do you wanna leave when we get all this situated? We can stay for as long as you need though!" He said practically jumping out of his seat excitedly. I chuckled "We can leave as soon as you would like. I would just have to tell a few people where I'm going. I know bonnie wants to stay here since she's gonna be able to travel on her own soon." I smiled. Where did all the time go?

He nodded. He seemed like he was going to say something else but the train came along. He seemed mad at it because he glared at the doors when they opened.

We then got on the train in high spirits. I couldnt believe I was gonna travel with ash again! I had the most fun with him. And who knows? Maybe our friendship could become something more?

After about a half hour we finally got to our destination. It took about ten minutes to get to the place. We walked inside the fancy building with the letters RP plastered on the front of the building.

We walked up to the counter and gasped a bit at who was standing there. It was team rocket wearing a red uniform seeming to look very depressed. "Team rocket?!" Ash exclaimed looking ready to burst. Instead of chanting there iconic song they shushed us.

"Shhhhh! Don't say anything! Look we need your help. We know a bit about what's going on but we need to meet in private. Here." James said while looking around the room anxiously. He gave me a card which had a phone number on it. "Now scram before we all get busted! You gotta trust us on this one." Meowth said while shooing his paw. Jessie was sitting in a chair stating into space looking dreadful.

We ran out and looked at each other sort of puzzled. "What the heck was that? Should we trust them or..." ash trailed off. "I think this time were gonna have to. I looked at the card in my hand. It had a phone number with a bit of writing on the bottom. "Call us at 9:30 on the dot." It read "Were they... expecting us?" I asked confused. Ash shook his head "Perhaps? Maybe because everywhere I go they are there too? Maybe they think we can help..." ash said.

We then decided for now that we would go see the scientist. Maybe he was going to be able to help us a bit?

We walked down the streets of lumious, me blushing because ash was clinging to my arm. Why did he have to be so damn cute?

We then got there after about 10 minutes. We went to the front desk and sitting there was a grumpy looking old lady.

"Hello we would like to see team flares scientist." (i dunno the name ok?) She looked up at us while chewing on a candy bar. "Cell B4. You have a half hour." She said giving us a card. We walked off through the many cells.

We walked through the B hall and there right in the middle was the scientist. He looked at us surprised. "We need your help." I stated.

🥵Hey yallll sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been super busy with things but I'm gonna try and post again tmr so dw. Anyways byeerr love ya!🥵

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