Her Younger Sister

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     A injured Giyu approaches the butterfly mansion when he happens to run into Shinobu. "Tomioka San how did you get so beat up!" She asked the very tired hashira "I-" Giyu went to reply when Shinobu interrupted "come on!, I'll take you to my sister" Giyu noticed that Shinobu seemed mad about something. Come to think about it why was she standing in the courtyard by herself. Giyu thought to himself, although he didn't put much thought in to it because of his sleepiness.
     The two eventually make it to Kanae. Shinobu leaves Giyu her her sister's care and she returns back to the yard. "Morning tomioka san" Kanae said in a warm tone as always. "Morning.." Giyu replied "you look tired, try to get some rest and I'll check back in with you later, ok" Kanae left Giyu to rest as she went to treat more patients. Giyu soon went to sleep with hopes that he'll recover soon.
     As Giyu wakes up he sees Kanae standing next to his bed preparing some medicine. "Oh- tomioka you're awake" Kanae hands Giyu a cup of medicine. "Here drink this, it will help with the pain" Giyu drinks the medicine while Aoi walks in with a plate of food. "Ah- thank you Aoi, here tomioka I had Aoi prepare some food for you for when you woke up." Giyu is very pleased with the food and is fond of Aoi's cooking. "So tomioka" Kanae asks. "Yes" Giyu replies. "You and my younger sister, the two of you are quite close right" Giyu is a little shocked by the young lady's question. "Well she does like to pick on me and we've been on several missions together.." Giyu isn't sure how to reply sense he's never really thought of him and Shinobu being close. "I see, she speaks of you quite often" Kanae tells Giyu about how Shinobu has taken quite the the liking to Giyu over the past couple of months. "Well I guess I need to tend to more patients now, it was nice talking with you tomioka san" Kanae leaves to go prepare medicine to the familiar face of the wind hashira. "They look happy together" Giyu says to himself. "I wonder if I'll ever have that" Giyu starts to think of everything Kanae had said about Shinobu. "I wonder if she'll come see me."

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