The lovesick Butterflies

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Note: there's a lot of dialog in this chapter so anytime Kanae is speaking it will be in italics

Shinobu and Kanae are chatting over tea. "You know Shinobu you and tomioka san have been spending a lot of time together lately" Shinobu sighs. "Nee-san we've been over this already, I only see tomioka san as a friend eh- not even a friend I see him as a-a" Kanae rises her eyebrow. "Ah- fine I give in" "I might have caught feelings for Giyu.." Shinobu blushes. "But don't act like you're not the same way about Sanemi.." Kanae laughs. "You know me to well Shinobu." "So tell me Shinobu, how do you feel when you're with him." "Why would you ask that now." "I'm just curious" "well when I'm with him my heart starts pounding, my face gets red, and when I look him in the eyes I get butterflies, oh! and when he smiles it's all of those feelings combined!" "What do you feel when you're with Sanemi" "let's see.. oh, when he gets nervous around me he looks so cute I can't help but get butterflies." "Is that all?" "Well I don't get to spend much time with him because he's always out training." The two continued to talk about Sanemi and Giyu until they reported back to the infirmary.

Sorry about this chapter being really short as a apology here's one of my favorite photos of my brother

Sorry about this chapter being really short as a apology here's one of my favorite photos of my brother

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Isn't he adorable :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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