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As Giyu is reading a book that was given to him by Kanae he sees Shinobu walk in, seemingly in a much better mood than the day before. "Kocho, I didn't expect you to come see me." " Well I thought I might as well come see how you were doing, you seem much better" Shinobu proceeded to pull up a stool and sit next to Giyu's bed. "I feel much better, although your sister told me that I had some pretty bad leg injuries and I won't completely heal for another 2 weeks." Shinobu let out a sigh. "Oh tomioka san, you're only in this condition because you are to careless, you know that's why you don't have any friends right" "nonsense" Giyu replied, though he usually wouldn't in this situation. "you're my friend aren't you..." Shinobu's face got red. "W-well I suppose so" Giyu smiled, Shinobu hadn't seen Giyu smile very much so she was even more flustered. "Something wrong Kocho, you're face is quite red" Shinobu was shocked at the comment. "i swear Giyu tomioka if you weren't badly injured I would beat you so badly right now!" Giyu let a soft laugh that had never been heard by Shinobu before. The two had felt something that the hadn't before. Giyu had been happy fore the first time in a while and Shinobu had felt something new to her, her heart skipped a beat and she had butterflies in her stomach. Without thinking Shinobu quickly left before she accidentally reveled her small crush on Giyu.
     Kanae walked in soon after. "So you and Shinobu have been hanging out" Kanae asked. "I guess you could say that" Giyu replied, his smile was no longer visible. "I see.." Kanae paused for a moment then she sighs. "I knew this would happen eventually, but I never would of expected it to be you.." Giyu wondered for a moment about what Kanae meant. "What do mean" Kanae looked Giyu in the eyes, but it wasn't intimidating...it was like she was going to congratulate him. "I believe my younger sister has caught feelings for you tomioka san" Giyu stood in shock, although he didn't show much emotion. "That's nonsense, Kocho has always been quite the bully to me" Giyu's face started to get a little red. "Well if that's how you see it..." Kanae let out a sigh of disbelief and went to take care of other patients. Giyu thought to him self. "Does she really see me that way." "If so why would she have been so rude to me all this time" Aoi walked in with a plate of food. "Here Giyu" Giyu was relieved to have some of Aoi's cooking. It helped keep his mind off everything.

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