Sanemi's soft side

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Sanemi looked out of a window near his bed where he saw some demon slayers training. "I wonder when I'll be back to doing that." Sanemi thought to himself. "Oh~ Sanemi" Sanemi heard the flower hashira walking over to his bed. "I've prepared your medicine, and some food!" Kanae had a warm tone in her voice. Sanemi loved her voice, he could listen to her talking for hours. "Uh- thanks" Sanemi thanked Kanae, he wish he could thank her for all she does for him but every time he tries he trips over his words. "I need to take care of some patients, as soon as I'm done I'll come chat with you ok!" Kanae had been very busy with Shinobu constantly out for missions. Kanae walked out of the room to prepare more meals and medicine. Sanemi glared at Kanae's long, shining black hair. It contrasted greatly from his. After some time Shinobu unexpectedly walked in. "My sister sent me to tell you that she might be awhile, and that there had been two more demon slayers who were in critical condition and she needed to tend not to them immediately." Sanemi nodded. "I bet you're a bit upset, seance you're obviously in love with my sister." Sanemi's face got red. "See you're blushing." It seemed that Giyu wasn't the only one Shinobu liked to tease. "Why don't you go tease your boyfriend, tomioka instead of me" Shinobu blushed. "he's not my boyfriend!" Shinobu proceeded to walk out to the court yard. "It's obvious that she has feelings for him" Sanemi thought to himself.
Some time had passed and a very tired looking Kanae walked in. "I'm *yawn* finally done Sanemi." Sanemi looked up at her. "Kanae, don't worry about me go get some rest." Sanemi's voice was a lot softer than usual. "No I'm fine, what would you like to talk about." Kanae's usual soft warm tone had become a very sleepy one. The sun was just going down and Sanemi knew that Kanae had been working very hard lately. "Come here" Sanemi repositioned himself to the side. Kanae sat down in the bed beside him. "Now please get some rest." Kanae layed her head on Sanemi's shoulder. She quickly feel asleep from her exhaustion. Sanemi softly gripped Kanae's hand. "She has soft hands." Sanemi said to himself. He let go of her hand and started to run his fingers through her shiny black hair. Although they were surrounded by people it felt as if it were just him and Kanae.

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