The party!😆😖

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As I looked at myself in the mirror admiring my short form fitting blue dress matching my blue orbs I get a text, I checked my phone and saw it was zz😆! Or just zin sense that is his name. We've been friends sense we where tots and have non stop talked even after I moved, btw bfefeae means best friends ever forever and ever, we're basically family he's gotten more protective seeing as he can't make sure I don't do anything dumb.

His hair is a dirty blonde and had greyish blue eyes, and was always the same height, he would cover for me whatever something happened and supported me through everything ever.😌 I miss him so much but texting always helped, he asked me how I was and if I was available to talk for the rest of the night and play video games. I decided to tell him about the party, it surprised him considering back home I was always so shy😣 he told me to gave fun and not to anything dumb and if anything did happen to call him.

Well walking to the party I see Markus outside he turns and his face lights up seeing me, I greet him at the door waving before he drags me in to join the party.😣 Well talking the door slams open making me flinch and jump😳, the party quiets down and every turns to see who it was. As we look we see the boy from before Markus smile falters into a annoyed smirk. "Ah well if it isn't my old friend; Axel, how are you?" He said anger clear in his voice😖

"I'm fine, how's zeke?" Axel smiled smugly at Markus making him livid "you know exactly how he's doing after what you did to him." Markus glared intensely, it seemed to only fuel Axel "glad to know he's still there if I ever need." This made Markus even more mad and punched Axel in the face😖 shocking the whole party, as people yelled at them to fight cheering for either Axel or Markus I see the girl from before walk away. I run after her in concern sure she was mean but I didn't want her hurt😔.

As I followed the sound of the fighting drifted off as we walked I see her go to around the corner and start crying I'm guessing she hated fighting I walk over and try comforting her, she turned surprised obvious in her now reddened eyes she then seemed to have gotten angry and walked off yelling st me to not follow her. I go back to the party and see Markus and Axel had gotten into a physical fight!😖😣 I run over pulling them apart "m-m-m-m-markus, a-a-a-axel this i-i-isnt you d-d-d-dont fight please 🥺" I yelled trying to stop them.

They separated both looking slighty bloody, after everyone left e and Markus walked to the bathroom so I could patch him up, I had to learn because of my abusive aunt😔, after patching him up I stared into his beautiful emerald orbs just as I leaned close he looked away face flushed and had pink dusting his cheeks.

I left and called zz telling him what happened he freaked out asking If I was ok, after assuring him I realized I was home and ran to my bed crying softy. How could I been so stupid of course he doesn't like me!😭

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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