my first day 🥺

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As I get out of bed my long brown hair flowed behind me as I stood up, I put my hair in a messy bun I stood at 4.2 and had just moved here from Wisconsin after my parents died in car crash. I grabbed a outfit from my closet, I put on a large oversized white hoodie and black skirt that reached approve my knees along with my converse sense I wasn't like other girls 🥺.

As I went down the stairs avoiding my abusive aunt, she was always so mean 😖. As I walked out going to the school and omg! It was huge! As i walked could feel eyes all over me 😣 I hated it, it made me so nervous 🥺 as i went over to my locker I was turned around and slammed into my licker by a tall boy, he had black hair, he had cross earnings that dangled and a scar under his eye, as he came closer "oi newbie, just so you know this is my school you just live in it." As he pushed off of me he walked away leaving me stunted.

I was confused and flustered by his coolness, I was walking to my class til a girl with ginger hair and amber eyes trips me making me fall on my face, she laughs evily as tears fell down my beautiful face. I rush down the halls faster then light well almost falling a couple times, I ran up the stairs not stopping til I reach the roof. I decided to sing mt favorite song sense my mother sung it to me before she died🥺😔.

"T-t-t-t-thi-" as I stuttered cutey 🥺 I hear the door open and turn seeing a boy with ginger hair, green eyes, glasses and a scar like the other boy "oh, who are you? Are you ok?" He asked warmly, his voice was soft yet rough. Seeing him made my face red he was just so good looking 😍. "Hi im Mark, who are you?" He smiled at me gently making me nervous "i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i'm yn 🥺" I say softy looking down to shy to meet his gaze.

He laughed lightly before speaking "I'm having a partly tonight this week ya wanna come?" He asks giving me paper with his number and address for the party. I took it shyly hoping he won't notice my flustered face.

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