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      ❝MATT! COME TO MY ROOM!" Nick shouted as he turned down his music. He sighed, sitting up from his bed. As Nick heard footsteps coming to his room from the kitchen, he quickly looked at the screenshot Leanna had sent him again. He thought to himself, what the hell is Matt doing?

"Why the fuck are you shouting, I'm just in the kitchen," Matt replied harshly as Chris followed into Nick's room after him. The three brothers sat together on the bed, with Matt and Chris waiting for Nick to speak.

"What's up with you and Leanna?" Nick questioned in an accusatory tone. Nick's eyes narrow into slits as he waits for his brother's reply.

Matt's brow furrows in confusion as he responds, "What are you talking about, Nick?" Matt looks in Chris' direction for help, but the boy is looking at what Matt assumes is a picture on Nick's phone. Nick and Chris both look at each other, then begin to talk in quiet, hushed tones.

"What are you two looking at?" Matt says, frustrated that no one is listening to him. Already annoyed with Nick and Chris' antics, he gets up and grabs Nick's phone. How the fuck did Nick get his messages with Leanna, Matt thought to himself.

"Is this what you're bitching about?" Matt asks, he sets Nick's phone back on the bed and pulls out his own.

"Yes, it's what I'm bitching about! You're not over Leanna!" Nick accuses and looks in Chris' direction for approval.

"Yeah, Nick's right," Chris sighs, glancing back down at the screenshot of Matt and Lea's conversation, "It's painfully obvious you're not over her, Matt."

Matt looks back up at his brothers incredulously and scoffs, "You're just saying that cause we dated when we were like freshmen in high school."

"FOR TWO YEARS, MATT!" Chris and Nick shout in unison.

"So what?" Matt says, his eyes flickering back to his TikTok For You Page.

"What do you mean, 'so what?', you guys like just broke up." Chris replies and his voice grows louder as he continues, "You still wear the chain she gave you on your first year anniversary and you still wear the sweatshirts she got you as well!"

"Ok first, we broke up last year. Second, those were gifts, Chris. I'm not gonna throw it away. It would be rude. I see her all the time and we're still good friends, I'm not going to get rid of it." Matt lazily responds as he sets his phone back down on Nick's bed.

Chris tries to rack his mind for more condemning evidence against Matt when Nick gasps loudly. Both of the boys' heads whip in Nick's direction as he gets up from his bed. He points his finger at Matt and exclaims, "WHAT ABOUT THE POLAROID?!"

"YOU STILL HAVE THE POLAROID?" Chris questions as he gets up standing next to Nick.

"IT'S HANGING IN HIS ROOM!" Nick shouts, his voice is riddled with excitement.

Matt's eyes widen as his cheeks heat up slightly. He looks between Chris and Nick, trying to find a response. Fuck, he thought. He does still have the polaroid from their second anniversary hanging in his room. In the photo, Matt is beside Leanna with his arms around her, kissing her cheek as she smiled. Thinking about the memory brought a sense of melancholy to the blue-eyed boy. He loved Leanna, truly. He knows parts of him still do to be honest, he knows all of him still does but, he'd rather not let his brothers know that. Matt looks up at his brothers but they are already staring at him with their arms crossed over their chests.

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