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Lea sighs as her facetime with Nick ends. When she revealed that Columbia Records had reached out to her to make music Nick had screamed for what felt like 5 minutes straight (it was only one!), upon hearing his screams, Chris entered Nick's room. Lea relayed the info to Chris and he started screaming as well. Lea smiles softly as she thinks about her friends' reactions. She yawns as she stands up and heads toward her bedroom. She's halfway up the stairs when she hears her front door open, revealing her mom, Penelope.

"Lea? Are you home?" the older blonde woman calls out, attempting to close the front door with her foot. Lea jogs back down to greet her mother at the door.

"Hey mom," Lea says taking the bags out of her mom's hands, "how was work?"

"Long," her mother replies shortly, taking off her shoes and her blazer. "Dad should be coming in an hour or so. Do you want to help me make dinner? I need help cutting the vegetables."

Lea nods, setting her mother's bag down on the couch. Mrs. Lawson is watching her daughter as she preps the vegetables. She knows something is wrong, but she can't pinpoint what it is. Lea's demeanour is considerably different than it was last week, and she is starting to worry. Mrs. Lawson considers it has something to do with Matthew— she's secretly hoping they've gotten back together—, but she has no real evidence of it. Lea is cutting carrots when she glances up at her mother sitting down on the stool by the kitchen island. Lea notices her mother's pensive stare. Lea quirks one of her eyebrows, confused by her mother's behaviour. She opens her mouth to speak but is cut off.

"Are you ok, honey?" Her mom's green eyes are looking at her intently. Lea quickly averts her eyes from her mother and back to the cutting board.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Lea," her mother says softly, "I know you're lying."

Fuck motherly instincts.

To tell the truth, all Lea has been thinking about has been Matt. She can't stop thinking about that fucking kiss. Her mind keeps going back to how Matt held her cheek so gently and how soft his lips were. It felt like they were together again; it felt right. Then she thinks about the clear regret in his eyes and it makes her want to cry. The kiss they shared and the argument have been playing on a loop in her head. She's been trying to rationalize her decision to give her and Matt's friendship a break. She had to stop talking to him, right? However, she didn't realize how hard it was not to talk to Matt. He was one of her best friends, he was always there for her. Tears begin to prick at her eyes as she thinks about Matt. She drops the knife suddenly and looks up at her mother.

"I miss him, Mom," her voice wavers as she attempts to wipe away her tears, "I miss him so much."

Her mother quickly makes her way over to her daughter and hugs her tightly. Lea is sobbing into her mother's chest. She cries harder when she thinks about all the stolen glances she and Matt shared while they've been broken up. The moments where she swears he's going to say he still loves her. Her mother pulls back slightly, interrupting Lea's train of thought. Lea looks up at her mother, noticing her worried stare.

"What happened, Lea?"

After Lea told her mother what happened last night, she was sent to her room to rest until dinner was ready. It is not until an hour later that she hears hushed whispers outside her door. Her bedroom door opens and her parents enter the room. Her dad's tall frame enters her room first, followed by her mother. Lea is dreading what she knows is going to happen next. She knew her mom told her dad about the situation— her mother tells her dad everything and vice versa—and she doesn't want to deal with the embarrassment of her dad also knowing about what happened. The brunette man sits down gently on Lea's bed. He scratches his beard before he speaks, trying to figure out how to articulate his thoughts. While he does so, Penelope closes her daughter's door before sitting down on the other side of Lea.

"So, your mom told me what happened," Arlo says, pursing his lips before continuing, "it took a lot of emotional maturity to do what you did, Lea. Setting boundaries is important, especially with an ex. However, I don't think that Matthew doesn't love you. The kid comes over every Saturday so you guys can have one and one time together. Honey, I don't want you to push someone that cares about you away. "

"If he loves me, why didn't he say something?" Leanna spits out harshly, "If he loves me, he wouldn't tell me we should be just be friends. It doesn't make sense."

"Lea," Arlo says sternly, "Everything isn't as black and white as you're painting it out to be. Sometimes, people do things that don't make sense to us, it may make sense to them. I don't know exactly why Matt did what he did. But, you're acting narrow minded right now and that is not how we raised you."

"We know you love Matt, and we also know that he loves you as well. He—" Her mother is cut off by her ring tone blaring loudly. Penelope answers quickly, muttering a 'sorry' to her husband and daughter before walking out the room. Lea sighs, feeling guilty about what she said. She knows that things aren't as simple as she wants it to be. She just misses Matt and it's making her slightly irrational. The silence between Lea and her dad is comfortable as they wait for Penelope to come back. It's not even up to 30 seconds before her mother comes rushing back into the room.

"Lea, it's Columbia Records. They want to speak to you about your music."

i really wanted a healthy family dynamic especially cause Lea's an only child being shown in my fic

both her parents are very supportive of her and Matt's relationship which i love

also no specific casting for her parents but in my mind, her parents are the ones from Santa Clarita Diet!

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