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Sitting in the triplet's minivan with Rory is the last thing Leanna wanted to be doing. It's November now and she only has one more month before she's packing her things to live in Boston University's dormitories. Lea would much rather be doing that—packing—, than sit in the backseat of the car watching Rory in the passenger seat joking with Matt. Recording the video would have been fine if it were not for Lea being ignored. She found herself not a part of the conversations at hand. Every time she tried to say anything, she was talked over.  Lea knows the boys don't mean to, she knows they get excited easily and are passionate during car videos, causing them to talk over each other. What was more irritating was the fact that they were more accommodating to Rory. She got her sentences out. She wasn't talked over. She's the one making Matt smile, while all Lea does is watch, it made her want to disappear. It fucking sucks. However, Lea gets it: Rory is hilarious and everything she says has Nick keeling over in his seat.

Thankfully, they had finished filming and were dropping the girls off. Upon entering her home, Leanna could smell hot chocolate. Kicking off her shoes, Lea pads over to the kitchen, seeing her dad.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Lea asks as she sits in the high chairs by the island. Her dad is mixing what Leanna assumes is cocoa powder into two mugs.

"I am making your mother the Arlo Lawson hot chocolate special." He leans across the counter, gesturing for Lea to come closer. "You want to know the secret?"

Lea hums a 'yes' and moves to the edge of her seat. Her dad's expression indicates that the secret is the real deal. Now, she's excited, forgetting about her less than pleasant time filming the triplet's car video.

He looks around the kitchen to see if anyone else listening. "I make it with milk." Arlo knows he's playing up the theatrics. He's not blind, he knows his daughter is going through emotional turmoil and all he wants to do is make her crack a smile— and it works. Upon hearing his 'secret' about the hot chocolate, she's laughing. She's laughing harder than she has in a while. Arlo pushes the cup he had made for himself to his daughter, motioning for her to take a sip.

Lea giggles as she wipes her upper lip. "The milk really adds a certain 'je ne sais quoi.'" She exaggerates the french accent, making her dad chuckle.

"I feel like I haven't seen you happy in a really long time. I just want to see you happy again, sweetheart."

She didn't know what to say to that. All could she could muster was, "Yeah, me too."

Lea didn't realize her feelings were affecting her father. If she can't be happy for herself, she wants to be happy for him. Lea coughs, desperate to change the subject. "Do you want me to help you give that to mom?"

Her dad nods, "She's in the living room. We're watching Schitt's Creek."

"Without me?" Lea gasps, running as carefully as she can with the mug full of hot chocolate. She's plopping down next to her mother and handing her her drink. "What'd I miss?"

"Moira just called David a disgruntled pelican," Penelope answers, sipping her drink.

Lea whines, "That's my favourite part. Please can we rewind?"

Her mom hands her the remote and kisses the top of her head. Lea's forgotten about filming the triplet's video, all she cares about now is her family. Her family and Schitt's Creek.



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@sturniolo.tea: We definitely noticed that as well what do you guys think? ☕️☕️☕️

user829: yeah i felt bad for her too home girl couldn't get a word out 😕

user392: i doubt they were doing it on purpose

hater257: she finally shut the fuck up thank GOD

user426: rory carried the video so i'll let it slide

user111: tea accounts are so fucking stupid

user777: she wasn't saying anything interesting so it was deserved
╰─▸ user935: she didn't get a chance to say anything interesting thats the whole point of the confession 😭

moryshipper254: all i saw in the video was more proof for mory 🤭

i love writing the family scenes, the lawson's are so cute

another tea account post! you will be seeing more of them in the future...

next chapter she's moving to uni and then the other two characters in the additional cast will be introduced (one sooner than the other)

see you later !

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