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paragraph of italics = flashback

There have really only been three times where Leanna has truly felt jealousy. The green-eyed monster first reared its ugly head when she was sixteen. Olivia Sullivan, also known as the wench that tried to meddle her way between Lea and Matt's relationship, was Matt's Chemistry lab partner. The partners were assigned alphabetically, much to the then couple's chagrin. However, they decided it wasn't the worst thing that they weren't paired together. Then, while the couple were studying together the next day, Matt revealed that in middle school he had a slight crush on Olivia. It was before Lea had met Matt (she went to an elementary and middle school in Boston, not Sommerville), so the girl wasn't too worried— that was before one of Olivia's friends told her about Matt's old crush. Leanna remembered watching the two from across the room, she felt her blood run hot as she watched Olivia so shamelessly flirt with Matt.

Olivia's voice was shrill as she put on her protective eyewear. "You're so funny Matt!" she shoved his shoulder while flicking her firey red hair over her shoulder.

"Thank you?" Matt replies as he ties his lab coat, he didn't say anything funny— he didn't say anything actually. He gives her an odd look before walking over to their lab station. The lab was long and boring, as per usual, and Matt was eager to get back to Lea to share the date idea he came up with (get this, a picnic!).

At her station, Lea is watching them, barely paying attention to the task at hand (which is beginning to piss off her lab partner). 'Why is she so close to him?' Lea wonders, dipping the litmus paper into the beaker. Once again, Olivia's leaning into Matt, giggling while touching his arm. Leanna scoffs loud enough for Matt to hear from the other side of the room, exiting the classroom hastily. Matt's eyes follow her figure as she leaves the room, quickly getting up and following her.

Lea is pacing outside the classroom, trying to calm down.

'Fucking redheaded bitch!' Leanna scowls, the moment replaying in her head. The moment where Olivia touches Matt's arm. Her Matt's arm! Leanna is about to kick a locker when she sees Matt.

"What was she talking to you about?" Lea crosses her arms.

Matt purses his lips, "She asked me if we were still together and she asked me out."

"What?" Leanna hisses, she laughs humourlessly, "I'm going to kill her." She's taken only two steps before Matt stands in front of her.

"Babe, it's ok."

Leanna looks at him as if he's grown three heads, "How the fuck is that ok?"

Matt tilts her chin up with his finger so she can meet his gaze. Her eyes soften when they meet Matt's, the jealousy already fading away when looking at him. Matt places a chaste kiss on her lips, "It's ok because I told her I was not interested because I love you, very much." 

The words came out so smoothly, that he didn't have to think about it. With Lea, things came naturally to Matt. Yes, he was nervous when he asked her out (with the help of Nick) and almost shat himself when she leaned in to kiss him for the first time, but when they got together Lea made sure that he was comfortable. So saying 'I love you' for Matt, was oddly not anxiety-inducing.

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