Chapter2 ~ 🌹flowers🌹 ~

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Y/n takes me down the hill and into her tent to get a vase. I can't stop starring at the rose and how the outer petals grow darker and darker it's so magical.
When I walk into her tent pink flowers are falling from the roof but they don't collect on the floor.
"Oh sorry about the flowers" she says as she points her wand at the roof, making the flowers freeze in mid air.

Once she finds a vase she walks over sitting it on the table.
"Ok so if I did the spell right it shouldn't hurt at all but.... If I did it wrong it's gonna feel like I've chopped your arm off" she smiles an awkward smile.
"Just do it" I say
"Ok" she shrugs then pulls out a small dagger.
I brace myself just incase it hurts but it doesn't. She puts the rose in the vase and the water turns the colour of my blood.
I look back down at my arm where the rose was, there's still a little bit of the plant left in my arm but as soon as I think about taking it out y/n takes it out for me.
The feeling of the roots sliding against my veins makes me shiver.
The roots are covered in my red blood.
She placed it in the vase as well and the roots immediately attached to the bottom of the rose.

Y/n was incredible but I had only known her for around 20-30 minutes so I don't really know her yet.

"You good?" I ask Peter as I notice him staring at me.
"Uh yeah, yeahh. Are you?" He asks running his hand through is hair, nervously.
I think.
"Um I'm ok I guess, thanks".

I wave my wand at the vase and it disappears
"Where'd it go?" Peter asks with a little concern
"Just to your tent, calm down" I laugh
"Oh ok".
I was gonna say something but I got interrupted by someone.

"PETER!" The girl yelled from the entrance of my tent making me and Peter turn our heads. She wore a beautiful dark green dress with small green flowers in her hair.
"Oh um Y/n this is my sister Susan" he pauses and whispers to me "she a bit of a know it all" then continues "Susan this is Y/n my new friend" He smiles kind of awkwardly waiting for one of us to say something but before we can, a little girl appears next to Susan.
This younger girl wore a baby blue dress and had a smile plastered to her face.

The girl walks into the tent looking at all the flowers in the air, I point my wand up in the air and they start falling again.
"Woah" she says looking all around.
"Hello Lu" Peter smiles.
"Are you two friends?" The little girl asks us "my name is Lucy, what's yours?".
'God this kid has better people-skills than me' I think to myself before answering.
"Well hello Lucy, I'm y/n and yes I believe me and Peter are friends" I smile at her but weakly. I've never really had someone so interested in my life.

"Wha- what are you?" Susan asks not moving from the entrance of the tent as if scared I will hurt her if she does.
Peter gives her a glare as if to say 'Susan! Don't be rude'.
"Well it's just" She continued "I didn't think there were any other humans in Narnia" she looks around awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.
"There isn't". I pause before looking at Susan again. "I'm a witch", I wave my wand in the air accidentally making a small wind to go through the tent. I stumble around a bit before getting the wind to stop.
"Oh" is all she says before looking at me directly in the eyes.
"You can come in you know" I say nodding at Susan "I'm not gonna hurt you", I smile more genuinely now.

"Can you do any different types of magic, like besides using flowers?" Lucy asks before Susan comes into the tent.
"Of course I can, here I'll show you later"
"Later!? Could you pleaseeeeee show me now? And Susan too? Peter has had enough time with you", me and Peter laugh at this but not for long because Lucy is pulling me out of the tent already. I quickly grab onto Susan's hand, dragging her along with us, leaving Peter alone.

Yasss I hope you all liked this chapter bc I loved it.
Pls vote :)

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