Chapter20 ||🏹The duel🏹||

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(Your armour over whatever dress you want)

                                                                                    (Your armour over whatever dress you want)

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I stand a fair bit away from Caspian as I watch him get the horse for Susan and Lucy ready. Susan says something to him then rides off.
"You are sooo in love with her it's disgusting" I say as Caspian walks over to me
"That's a lot for you to say. Have you seen yourself with Peter?" He laughs.

Me and Caspian walk outside to stand close to the duel.
"You'll win yeah?" I whisper to Peter as he hugs me
"Of course I will Y/n. What haven't I won?" I kiss his cheek before he steps into the duelling circle.
"See disgusting!" Caspian whisper shouts to me.
"I agree" Edmund whispers to us.

I watch with worry as Peter and Miraz circle each other.
"There is still time to surrender" Miraz says
"Well feel free" Peter says making it clear he wasn't quitting.
"How many more must die for this war?"
"Just one" Peter says as he puts his helmet down over his face.
He runs up a piece of old building and jumps onto Miraz, Miraz blocks Peter and this the fight has officially begun.

They swing, block, hit, jump and run at each other. At some points I want to scream but I don't, I control myself and hold back my screams and need to kill Miraz while he is distracted with Peter.
I look around to notice Caspian has disappeared, eh he'll be back.
Peter is doing really well and he has the advantage of being young and being able to move quicker but when he's just hit Miraz and is turning around. Miraz hits his helmet off his head. I gasp but Peter seems okay for he quickly cuts Mirazs leg, deeply. Miraz screams out in pain but quickly turns to face Peter again. Peter goes to do something but instead he full on front flips over Mirazs arm. He quickly recovers and gets up to face Miraz again.
Miraz pushes Peter to the ground and steps on Peters shield making his arm bend in the most dreadful looking way. Peter screams and I cover my mouth to stop me from doing so too.
Peter rolls away and eventually gets Miraz to trip over him, Peter gets up and looks at Caspian who is riding in on a horse with Susan holding onto him.
"Does his highness need respite?"
"5 minutes" Peter says, Miraz looks mad.

Peter walks over to us and he practically falls into my arms and I sit him down on a rock.
"Are you okay!?" I ask him worriedly
"My shoulder" he breathes out "I think it's dislocated".
"It'll be alright okay? I promise"
"You should know better than to make promises you can't keep Y/n" he smiles up at me
"Peter don't say that".
I move away from Peter as Edmund, Caspian and Susan all walk over to him. I give Susan a small smile but she doesn't return it.
"What do you reckon happens back home if we die here?" Peter asks Edmund "you know you've always really been there and I've never really-owwwwwwww"
"Save it for later" Edmund says as he moves his hands off Peter shoulder.

Edmund offers Peter his helmet but he shakes his head and walks into battle zone once more.
"You alright?" I ask Caspian
"Yeah, I'm good" he answers.
Peter goes for the first hit near Mirazs throat but it gets blocked. Peter than gets hit in the face with Mirazs shield. Peter is thrown into concrete wall and falls to the ground, Miraz doesn't miss a second and keeps hitting Peter but lucky he can block him.
Peter trips his opponent so that he can get back up.
He twists Mirazs arm and gets his sword, Miraz now swordless can only use his shield but he isn't ready when Peter hits him in the face with the end of the sword. Peter making a mistake, drops the second sword on the ground. He is now endlessly hitting Mirazs shield. Peter tries to stab Miraz but he looses his sword instead. He gets hit the face with the shield twice before he can grab the shield and twist it making Mirazs arm twist with it but Miraz breaks free and pushes Peter hard onto a massive rock then picks up his sword from the ground.
Peter has only just turned around when Miraz is about to hit him in the face with his sword. Peter being smart blocks the sword with his arm armour then punches Mirazs sore leg.
He moves back holding his leg and holding a hand up to Peter.
"Now's not the time for chivalry Peter!" Edmund yells to him. Peter has walked over to us but Miraz grabs a sword from the ground and is coming up behind him.
"Peter look out!" I yell just in time for him to turn around and block the sword.
Peter grabbed the sword twisted it around and just like that, stabbed Miraz in the stomach. Miraz fell to the ground.
"What's the matter boy? To cowardly to take a life?" Miraz says
"It's not mine to take" Peter says calmly as he holds the sword out to Caspian. Caspian steps forward and takes the sword, Peter picks up his and walks back to Edmund and I.
Caspian holds the sword in the air getting ready to stab his uncle.
"Maybe I was wrong" Miraz started "maybe you are the kind to be one some sort of king after all." (I have no idea if that's what he says but let's pretend it is.) Caspian cries out but instead of stabbing his uncle he stabs the grass just in front of him. "I will let you keep your life" Caspian has tears in his eyes "but I am giving back the narnians their kingdom." Caspian turns away and walked back to us.
I grab Peters hand and rest my head on his shoulder. He turns his head to me, I can feel his breath on my lips. I lean closer and so does he, our lips inches apart.
"Hey guys why don't we save that for later yeah? Good? Okay, nice." Edmund says as he pushes us apart.
Me and Peter look at each other and chuckle, Narnians cheer and I feel like I'm in a bubble of happiness.
"They've shot our king!" One of Mirazs men yell and when I turn to look, I see one of Susan arrows in Mirazs back.

Edmunds just the best right?
Pls vote :)

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