Chapter18 ||🦋Learning & Relaxing🦋||

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I walk out of the room and up onto the edge of How and stare out at the trees.
I wasn't sitting for long before I felt a small creature sitting next to me.
"I heard about what happened" Trufflehunter says
"Yeah I bet everybody has" I respond not looking at him "aren't you mad at me?" I ask him
"Y/n just because your Mother was evil that does not mean you are destined to be like her. Sure you might have some similarities but I know that you are nothing like your mother Y/n, I promise." Trufflehunter was a good friend.
"Thank you, I just wish other people understood that" I sigh
"No one in camp really cares, you know?"
"Except for Susan" I mumble
"Anyway, I'll leave you alone now. Tell me if you need anything" Trufflehunter says as he walks away.

I begin to drift off into my own thoughts but another figure sits down next to me.
"Now I know you probably don't wanna talk to me but I just want to say I'm sorry, its my fault everyone found out" Caspian says very quickly
"I was actually hoping to talk to you at some point" I say to him
"Me? I thought you didn't like me" he says a little shock in his voice.
"Me too" I nod slightly
"Why wouldn't I like yo-
"No,no sorry. This is gonna sound really rude but I meant I didn't think I liked you either." He looks at me not knowing what to say so I explain why a little more. "Well it was really only because I missed Peter and I thought if I became friends with someone who was like him, when I say 'like him' I mean another teenage boy who asks similar questions. Anyway if I became friends with you I thought I might forget about Peter and I didn't wanna do that so I avoided you" I shrug.
"Well it seems you and Peter are a bit more than friends" he laughs
"Oh yeah Ha-ha very funny" I say sarcastically
"But true. Anyway why did you need to talk to me?" He says becoming serious again.
"I just needed to know how you get people to still like and trust you even though you're related to someone evil?"
"Well to be honest, I really don't know. Look Peter doesn't like me that much and I haven't managed to convince him anymore with what just happened but I'm assuming Peters not the one whose mad at you, am I right?"
"Yes" I look at Caspian who is waiting for me to tell him who it is. "It's Susan" I finally say.
"Oh. Well um why don't you try and talk to her? But I guess if you've already done that then just wait maybe? I'm sure she'll realise your not gonna try and kill her" he smiles at me
"Wow thanks Caspian, that last part really motivated me"
"I'm sure it did, I'm sure it did" he laughed.

!Time skip!

It was getting dark fast and I was trying to find Peter. I searched almost everywhere, I don't know why I didn't check his room first but I just seemed to think he wouldn't be there. When I turned a corner on the way to his room I ran into Susan.
Susan who clearly didn't want to see me by the way she scowled when she saw me.
Susan who looked down at me and glared even though we were almost the same height.
Susan who shoved past me with all the power she could.
Susan who used to my friend.

I stood there a little waiting for her to apologise or something but of course she didn't.
I walked a little more before knocking on Peters door.
"Susan it wasn't my-
Peter stopped talking when he realised it was me.
"Are you okay?" He asks
"Yes. I think. I don't really know. I do know that I'm tired and that I feel like no one wants to be around me. So I came to you because I'm pretty sure you can reassure me that that's not true." I pause a little "but if you don't wanna be around me that's okay". I smile at him.
"Y/n you seem a little shook about what happened and I don't think I can help with that but I can definitely make sure you know that everyone loves you, okay? Especially me." I don't know if I heard the last part right but I really hope I did.
"Thank you" is all I can mange before he pulls me into his room.

I lye down on his bed and he lyes next to me, pulling me closer to him. His arm wrapped around my waist, my head rested on his chest. His smell comforted me. I breathed slowly wanting to stay in this moment for ever and hopefully for once, we could. Peter kisses my forehead and I fall asleep.

This chapter was really boring but anywayyy hope yous liked it.
Pls vote :)

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