Concluding Oneirophrenia

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"Sel! Stop!" I tried to get her attention.

This dream environment is getting out of hand. We are now spiraling down a toilet bowl. While she cried and weeps
with her eyes covered.

"Wake up!" I yelled.

"Selina!" I screamed.

But the world was still flushing down around us.

Wait. This is my dream too. I should concentrate and intervene with her thoughts.

I don't fully understand what's happening but I should get to the bottom of this. For now, let's calm Sel down.

Riding a surfboard, I jumped to grab Sel out for us to ride the waves back to my beach. I carried her in my arms and laid her on the sand.

I stroked her hair for a pat and said "Sel calm down. I'm sorry." Then I hugged her tightly in my arms.

"It's just I felt disoriented. It was like I was going insane. I'm sure you know how lost I was before I found you. Then suddenly, everything doesn't make sense. You stirred me up inside." I was saying and she turned her face to look at me while I hold her in my arms.

I slipped one of my hands to be placed on her nape and said "I am imbalanced because in our dreams, I have deeply and insanely..."

Then I continued, "...fallen in love with you, too."

And once again, we began leaning in together with our faces. Sel held on my neck and I caressed her up to be closer while we sit at the shoreline.

Softly, we began connecting through our lips and I had felt the sand blow away from our direction as our tongues basks in together for a paddle inside the depths of our mouths. I felt her longing at a magnitude. She was sucking me in even further for a deeper connectedness as she grabs onto my back, sinking in her fingers through my skin.

My feelings are just bursting out. Now this demented beach in my memories, not only hold sorrowful memories. It now captures a beautiful memory with Sel.

I decided.
I will find you.
And pursue you.
In real life, too.

I woke up after that beautiful scene. In an alley. I looked around and nobody was here but me and another person beside me. I was lying down with them and my head leaning on a wall.

I felt something slip away from my hand and I saw this person in black hoodie and a mask running away. My dealer. I just woke up from deep sleep so I needed more time to compose my self to run after her.

Until I saw a cap on the floor. I checked on it. It had 'S' engraved on the inside.

Whatever. Fine. Don't sell me coke.
Anyways, all I could think of now was my firm resolve. And that moment we shared in our dreams.
I will soon, make you mine.
In reality too. Selina.


I should stay close. I kept on training in the football team so I can observe the real Sel even more. And ofcourse, I was playing for fun. Dream Sel knew I just innately loved football too.

"You're waiting for Polo again?" I asked her while she sits at the bench and Polo plays for a practice match.

She answered, "Ah yes. You're Eli, right? It's been a while since we had the chance to talk again."

Hmm. That's true. In real life.
Somehow, this real Sel feels like a stranger to me too.

I observed her while she watches Polo. Suddenly, Polo fell on the ground as he tried to slip in between the legs of one player. That's normal. Nothing to worry about.

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