Waking Up

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3rd POV:

Weiss walked through the medical facility on the way to (Y/N)'s room. It was her day to check on him. Team RWBY had been taking turns checking on him after classes were out. It's been a week since they were able to bring his sister and her team back. All five of them were still out.


"Bring her back. Please." The girls all looked at him in shock. He had no aura left. he shouldn't have done that.

"Well isn't that sweet. He wasted his life." Roman said chuckling on the cat walk.

Ruby stood up. "No he didn't!" she shot herself up to him with Crescent Rose and started attacking him as more white fang came from the back doors. The other three began fighting them as a red spear came flying in with teams JNPR and CFVY joining the fight.

"Jaune! Get (Y/N) out of here!" Yang yelled back to him. he nodded as the others pushed forward. "Pyrrha help Ruby with Torchwick!" Pyrrha recalled her spear and Nora boosted her to the catwalk. Yang and the others were fighting until they reached the back of the warehouse.

*Flashback end*

While Weiss was thinking she hadn't realized she had made it to (Y/N)'s room. Opening the door slowly she peered inside. There was a nurse checking on him when she entered. "How is he?" She asked.

(Y/N) POV:

"How is he?" I heard faintly while trying to open my eyes through the fogginess in my head.

"No change I'm afraid. He still hasn't woken up." He heard in reply.

3rd POV:

"*Groan...*" (Y/N) was finally able to open his eyes. He was in a blindingly white room with a steady beeping beside him. His eyes finally adjusted to the light and he saw Weiss talking to the nurse. They bowed towards each other understandingly and the nurse left. She turned to (Y/N) and dropped her scroll that she was typing a message to Ruby on.

"(Y/N)! You're awake! Nurse come back, he's awake!" She rushed over to him. Looking down at him. "How are you feeling?"

"Confused....... And Thirsty." He said with a chuckle.

"I'll get you some water." She smiled at him. He nodded in thanks as she turned to grab her scroll and leave the room as the nurse came in.

*To Ruby*

*gasps* "Guys! (Y/N)'s awake!" She exclaimed looking at her scroll and the message Weiss just sent her. Using her semblance she launched herself down the hallways to his room in the infirmary.

"Guess we should go too." Yang said with a chuckle.

Blake said chuckling as well, "Guess we should."

*Back to (Y/N), his POV*

The nurse was checking me over while I sat there. All of a sudden a blur of red and rose pedals rushed into the room. When it cleared I saw Ruby bouncing excitedly. "HI(Y/N)!HOWAREYOU?AREYOUOKAY?DOYOUNEEDANYTHING?" My head was still spinning from her rushing in.

"Uhhh......" Was all I could answer as Weiss walked back in, a glass of water in her hands.

"Ruby, calm down, I can't even understand what you just said and I'm not the one who's been out for a week." A WEEK?! I'VE BEEN OUT FOR A WEEK?!

"Hehe....Sorry. How are you (Y/N)?" Weiss helped me take a drink while she asked.

"Thank you Weiss." I looked down. "I'm okay, I think. Sorry..... I didn't want you guys to worry about me. Guess I failed."

Ruby and Weiss looked worriedly at me. "What do you mean? Of course we'd worry. We're friends (Y/N)." Ruby said. My eyes went wide looking at her at that.

"Friends...?" Now I'm even more confused.

"Well yeah..... If you wanna be I guess. You did kinda take a bullet for me. Sorry about that by the way."

"I-" I didn't know what to say. I felt so many things at once. I've never had friends. I was happy that they wanted to be my friends but I also felt shame for making them worry.

"What did you mean you failed?" I heard Weiss ask beside me. That's what I didn't want to answer.

"To be there for her...." It's all I could get out before tears started down my face. Just then Yang and Blake walked through the door followed by Ozpin.

"Do not worry, Mr. (L/N). Your sister is perfectly safe in another room here." I looked up at him. Hope in my eyes for the first time since I saw her last.

"Yeah, thanks to you, Ruby was able to keep Torchwick busy while we fought our way to your sister and her team." Yang said smirking at me. "Thanks for saving my sister by the way."

I nodded at her. Still reeling from everything I've been told since waking up. A week? She's okay? Friends...? Everything was quiet for a minute while I was processing everything. I felt bad for not saying anything, but there weren't any words I could say to convey what I was feeling.

"Team RWBY," the girls looked to Ozpin, "Would you mind giving me and (Y/N) the room please?"

"Yes, Professor." Blake answered him.

"(Y/N), we'll see you later, okay?" Ruby said to me. I could only nod in response. They left the room, each smiling at me as they left.

"The girls told me everything that happened in that warehouse." Ozpin said when they had all left. Walking over to the chair next to my bed. "I suppose I should thank you for saving Miss Rose. As well as being an instrumental part of saving your sister and her team. I must also apologize to you, (Y/N). You were right. I should have called your family as soon as we received that message."

I was quiet for a minute, thinking. He should have, but at the same time he had no way of knowing what the message was actually saying. When we were younger my sister was teaching about how pearls were made and how valuable they were. I started calling her Pearl because she was the most important person to me. Once we decided on code words, she had the idea that if she was in trouble and needed help, she would call herself Pearl. My room was our 'base', and I would tell her when I needed her there for me by telling her to return to it. The baddies were usually our parents, but the term was meant for anyone giving us trouble.

"Don't be. It seemed like a normal message. I was scared and angry when I heard it, but, it's not your fault. Don't thank me for saving Ruby either." He looked confused at that. "It was selfish, I saved her knowing I had no aura left so that she would be able to save my sister. I planned on dying so they could get to her."

"And you believe that to be selfish?" I was confused. Of course it was. "Sacrificing yourself so others may continue to live is not selfish Mr. (L/N). It is the very thing that makes someone a huntsman." I was surprised. He just compared me to the very thing I've dreamed of being my whole life. Me. But I'm nothing compared to the others. "And on that point, Mr. (L/N), I would like to formally invite you to attend Beacon Academy."

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