Kalani (41 weeks)
"Bae come here" I said looking at something Red floating in the toilet "yea" he said coming in as I pointed at it "What's that" he said looking at me "ion know" I said send in a picture to my granny and my dual I just flushed and washed my hands "I'm finna just cook instead of going out" I said going downstairs looking in the fridge as I FaceTime Ray "Hey gurllll" I said putting my phone on the counter getting some stuff out after I searched up what the thing earlier was "Hey boo what you doing" She said looking in the cam "finna cook I think my mucus plug came out I don't know though it was a lil red" I said washing my rice and cleaning my chicken feeling worse pain then before "Red that means baby girl coming and soon I'm On my way now" she said smiling getting up as I drained the chicken I rinsed it "I can feel that you need to hurry so you can do my hair pleaseeeee" I said smiling "of course I'm coming now" she said hanging up as I leaned over the counter taking deep breaths Jerome came behind me..
"You okay" I said rubbing her stomach and back checking the time 9:20 "No she taking her sweet time and my belly been dropped so why can't she" she said seasoning the food laughing leaning over again "I'll finish this up you get some rest" I said taking the paprika out her hand "Okayyy" she said waddling to the couch as I put the rice on and seasoned the flower Grandma came in with her care package "why she on the couch" she said looking at Lani dead sleep "she said the bed is to soft" I said frying the chicken "She started contractions yet" she said writing "She had one at 9:20 she sleeping it off now" I said putting some greens on...
"I finally pulled up" I said on the phone I opened the door with my key and seen Lani sitting on the floor "you over there going through it" I said coming over to her To start braiding her hair back "I think that okra water ma had me drinking got me going" she said holding the gel as Jerome brung us plates we ate and she called mama "Hell- "ma I'm going into labor soon" She said putting the food down leaning on the couch "I'm coming now" she said hanging up "you ready" she said pushing through the pain "yea" I said rubbing my hands...
After We finished my hair, I got up with help and Jerome got my slides as we walked around the backyard "You got this la" he said rubbing my back walking around "How far now" she said as I stopped going through another contraction "20 minutes apart" He said rubbing my stomach helping me to the deck "You look so beautiful baby" He said kissing me "Mhmm" I said walking back around...
"You sure you're doing the water birth" mom said helping to get the baby stuff as I got Lani's stuff, we put it in the car as Rayna helped Lani get dressed, I put the car seat in...
"Ok lift up just a- I saw her dress getting dark "My water did not just break like that" she said laughing and crying "We just got this on me" she said leaning over as I helped her walk downstairs "Ouuuu we gotta go" she said grabbing my hand tight as Jerome helped her in her car, I got in mines...
"She's ready" the doctor said holding her head "Give me a big push" She said lifting my leg as I pushed "Your doing so good keep going" Ma said rubbing my face as a let out a lil groan "she's almost out one last push" the other nurse said rubbing my side I felt the urge to Give the last push "yess mama" My mom said Moving out the way to get a clear shot as Jerome gave me support and encouragement "Look At the pretty baby" The nurse said putting her in my arms cleaning out her nose and mouth "Hi Kiara" I said in tears looking at her crying and kicking I kissed her and hugged her Until they had to finish cleaning her up "congratulations mama" Mama D said kissing my forehead "So glad this is over" I said leaning on Jerome...
"Hi daddy's baby" I said rubbing her back "You sure was big for her to be so small" Grandma said looking at her getting her pictures "Hey grandma baby" she said rubbing her face...
To be continued.
Kalani's Unexpected Love Story🥀🖤
Romance22 year old Kalani lost herself in her abusive cheating husband she has to deal with the unexpected death of her Father her sister having a baby with her husband she will have to lose to gain everything and even with that she has to overcome her fau...