Chapter 11

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Esme carefully came down the stairs and gasped as she entered the dining room. "What?" She asked confused seeing all fourteen men siting at the table eating breakfast.

"Oh My Lady, you should be resting," Elizabeth said rushing to her side. "Why didn't you notify me you awoke? You could have hurt yourself."

"I'm fine Mother," Esme smiled softly then tightened her grasp on Elizabeth as she got dizzy. "I'm sorry Elizabeth." She gasped as she was suddenly lifted up into two strong male arms. "What are you doing? Put me down this instant."

"Nyet," Raven said as he carried her over to the table. "You tired, I carry." He gently sat her down and smiled as he sat next to her.

She cleared her throat, "Um, thank you Yevgeny Ravenstahl," She said as she shifted and straightened her back. "May I inquire why your presence is here?"

"Raven," Raven corrected as he placed some toast on her plate.

"We wanted to spend the day with you," Victor said as he pushed his plate away so he could talk with her. "We would like to get to know you better."

"Well sorry to disappoint, but I have plans," she said as she picked at the toast.

"Would you like something else?" Marc asked noticing she wasn't eating. "I can make you something."

"No thank you Mr. Weiland," She said pushing the plate away. "I'm just not hungry." She cleared her throat and pushed her chair away, "Elizabeth."

"Yes My Lady," Elizabeth said wiping her mouth. "The sun room?"

"Yes please," Esme said as she slowly rose, "I need to get the plans in order."

"Yes My Lady," Elizabeth said as she wrapped her arm around Esme's waist.

"May I?" Esme looked up to see Victor standing holding his hand out. "Please?"

The house phone started ringing and Esme nodded, "Thank you Mr. Morgan," She gave in and placed her hand in his. "Elizabeth."

Elizabeth nodded and went to answer the phone. "Um, the sun room?" Esme pointed and Victor nodded then scooped her up into his arms to carry her bridal style following her instructions. He sat her down at the desk. "There you go," he smiled softly. "Is there anything else we can do to help?"

"No thank you," she said as she scooted the chair up to the desk.

"Thank you Esme, for giving us a chance," Victor said softly.

"It's only because—" She started to say then Elizabeth rushed in.

"I'm sorry My Lady," She said coming to her side. "That was your doctor. Your immune system is very low and there is a virus going around. He requests that you stay here for at least a week."

"But we have plans," Esme said shaking her head. "I have to go check—"

"I know My Lady," Elizabeth said gently. "But it's not safe right now."

"But the animals," Esme tried to protest.

"I know My Lady," Elizabeth said, "but we must think of your health."

"The animals help my health," Esme whispered and Elizabeth nodded.

"I know but you can't care for them if you get sick," she pointed out.

"I hate it when you're right," Esme sighed, "fine, cancel our plans."

"How about you go sit outside and watch them for a bit?" Elizabeth suggested, "I can cancel all the plans and see if we need to stock up on anything?"

"That sounds good," Esme nodded and stood. "You have my card, get whatever you think we will need. I'm just going to go rest. Thank you Elizabeth."

"Yes My Lady," She said leaving the room.

"Excuse me," Esme said slowly standing.

"Please allow me to help you?" Victor asked and she nodded.

"Everything okay?" Owen asked as Victor gently helped her down the hall.

"Yes, she just wishes to be outside for a bit," Victor said cherishing how she was leaning into him. "She is going to be staying here for a week because there is a virus going around."

"I'll be back shortly My Lady," Elizabeth said grabbing her car keys.

"I'll go with you, make sure you get enough for all of us," Marc said grabbing his keys. "Knowing Doc he's going to insist staying to keep eye on her. If he stays then we stay, so need to make sure there's plenty for all of us."

"A few of us will go with you," Axel nodded.

"What?" Esme asked shocked. "Seriously?"

"Yes," Sean nodded.

"Come on Esme," Victor spoke softly. "Let's get you outside. We will figure this out."

"But my place isn't big enough for everyone," She protested, "You are going to mess up my routines, you're going to upset the pride and the animals. It's going to throw everything off."

"Easy Esme," Victor said as he opened the back door. "Try not to worry, we will figure it out."

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