Chapter 12

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Esme sat down on her back porch and took a deep breath. She slowly let it out then smiled as Osiris and Shiva came up to her. "Hello," She smiled as they laid down in front of her. She smiled as she watched the pride in the distance and the baby cubs playing.

"That's amazing," She nodded as Victor watched the animals walk by while eyeing him carefully. "Will they trust us one day?"

"Don't know," She said as she continued to watch the elephants stroll by casually.

"Hey," Esme saw him crouch down beside her and she turned to look at him, "I know this is a lot for you, but we are honest when we told you that we don't want to be in the public eye. I don't know how to show you that we are being honest other than keep being here for you. I understand that it will take a lot to prove our trust, just know that we are going to show you somehow, okay?"

"We'll see," She said turning back to watch the animals.

"You will," Victor smiled softly. "I'll go see if there is more information on that virus that is going around. We don't want you getting sick."

"Hey, the house phone is ringing," Kota said bringing it out to them.

"Yes?" She asked answering it. "Okay, just take the money out of the account. What?" She sighed and looked at Victor suspiciously. He tilted his head and looked at her confused. "He insisted, did he? Oh and the others as well? Fine," She pinched the bridge of her nose, "If they are that adamant then I guess go ahead and use their cards, just discuss everything with them first so they are aware of what the charges are for. Okay, thank you, I will not be in for a bit due to the virus that is going around. Okay, thank you for letting me know. Bye Bye." She hung up the phone and sighed, "You are a very determined group, aren't you?"

"Yes, we are," Victor nodded.

"Hey, I just got word from the hospital that the virus is very serious," Sean said coming out to the back where they were. "There's talk that it's going global and will be around for months."

"What?" She asked shocked and started gasping.

"It will be okay, Esme," Victor said gently taking her hands in his. "Everything will be okay."

"Breathe," Sean said calmly, "You don't want to have another seizure, it will be okay. We will take all the precautions that we need to take, everything will work out."

She looked into Victor's eyes and squeezed his hands. "Please try and trust us, Princess," He said soothingly. "Please let us start planning everything, please."

"Months," She gasped.

"It will be fine, Princess," Victor said soothingly. "We can get the supplies and add onto the place, we can order things for delivery so we don't have to leave unless it's absolutely necessary. You can still take care of your sanctuaries through phone calls and video calls. It will be okay, just let us take over on things for now, just until you feel better. Please?"

Osiris growled as he approached her. The guys stepped back as she wrapped her arms into his mane. "Nice cat," Raven smiled as he watched. Osiris deep growled and Raven nodded.

After some time Esme pulled back and kissed his nose, "Thank you Osiris. I'm going to go lay down, they are okay to stay here and will respect the pride." Osiris scoffed and walked off. "I need to lay down."

"May I carry you?" Nathan asked, "They can start making plans."

"I think that will be best," She nodded. She nervously wrapped her arms around his neck and looked at Victor. "I'm going to try."

"Thank you," Victor nodded, "We will discuss everything with you, so you know what is happening."

Nathan carried her up to the bedroom with her pointing directions. He gently placed her on the bed and took a step back, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No, thank you," She shook her head, "I just need to calm down."

"Well, what can I do to help?" Nathan asked. "How can I help you destress?"

"I don't know," She whispered as she laid down.

"Can I try something?" Nathan asked and she nodded. He got on the bed, "lay your head on me, please." She cautiously moved over and placed her head on his chest. "Close your eyes," he quietly commanded and started gently stroking her hair once she closed her eyes. "Good girl. We really appreciate you trying to trust us. We are going to earn your trust and show you this relationship will work."

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