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He looked at a couple of monsters dying in the AU Error was currently destroying.

What a pity.

He looked over at Blue, who showed some sadness on his face at the monsters dying before quickly steeling himself.

Dream isn't a very bright one, even if he is the 'Guardian of Positivity'. He never really cared for others, not even his supposedly called 'friends'. He only cares about keeping the negativity and positivity balance well, balanced. Even though his brother was involved in the negativity and positivity balance, he never cared about him that much. As long as his brother survives and is around to help keep his part of the balance balanced then it's fine.

He never batted an eye to Nightmare when he was getting bullied by the villagers. He never batted an eye to Nightmare when he ate the black apples and murdered the villagers who bullied him. Dream just turned around and was about to walk away when he suddenly got turned to stone by Nightmare who tried to keep him from leaving. And so for hundreds or maybe even thousands of years, Dream was just a stone statue. He was indeed aware of his surroundings, he could see when Nightmare would apologize to him and try to figure how to get him out of being a stone statue in a room in a castle that he took over.

He never allowed his 'gang' in the room Dream was in. Then the so called 'council' and their 'leaders' Ink and Blue managed to get into the castle one day. Then stole him away and got him freed from being a stone statue. Years later, he learned about many things..

He eavesdropped on Blue and learned that he was with the so called 'Bad Sanses' and was going to meetings in order to give them information about things they plan inside of the meetings. He also learned about Error's situation of being a forced god of destruction. Even learning about the deity called 'Fate'. Perhaps, he has learned of other things than that.

xX——Present Time——Xx

He looked over at a couple of monsters dying in the AU Error was currently destroying. What a pity. He looked over at Blue, who had shown some sadness on his face at the monsters dying before quickly steeling himself. He then looked over to Ink who didn't show any emotion on his face for a moment before he switched to being angry. Ink teleported over to Error and started fighting him, Blue did too, but he tried to not hit Error and pretended to 'miss' every time.

How obvious it seemed, but maybe to others it would seem that Blue is being sympathetic. Nightmare and his 'gang' then arrived through a portal to help Error. Nightmare's gang went ahead and fought with Ink and Blue. But didn't try to really injure Blue that bad. Again how obvious.

Although, Nightmare himself stayed behind for a moment. The two siblings looked at each other in the eyes, or well eyesockets. One with a hint of guilt and regret. One who seemed unbothered. Nightmare looked away after a second or two before teleporting away.

'He acts as if it never happened. He had no negativity when he looked at me.. Does he even care about what happened? Or did he move on from the 'accident'?' Nightmare thought before continuing to fight against Ink.

Xx——After the battle——xX

Ink, Blue, and Dream had arrived at their base. Ink had many injuries and Blue only had some bruises. Meanwhile Dream had no injuries nor bruises whatsoever. "Dream! Why didn't you help us fight against Error and Nightmare's gang?" Blue asked in curiosity as Dream helped heal Blue's and Ink's injuries. "I simply find no use in fighting." Dream said as he wrapped some bandages around Ink's injuries. "I'd you'd like to, you can consider me the 'healer' of the team and not the 'fighter'." In reality Dream felt as if his only job is to keep the balance in check, not fight some group of retards.

Blue seemed more curious, perhaps he could get more out of Dream and tell the others about it. Especially Nightmare. "Why don't you find use in fighting?" Blue asked."Well, it never helps either side of the sides that fight, doesn't it?" Dream asked. "Well yes it doesn't help either of the sides. Are you saying that we should stop fighting with the Bad Sanses?" Blue asked. He internally cringed at having to call the actually not so bad sanses, the 'Bad Sanses'.

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. I'm simply just saying that it never benefits either of the sides. The way you asked that question, and the emotion you felt when you asked it makes me question.." Dream trailed off, knowing Blue would get what he's trying to say. And Blue indeed got what Dream was trying to say, he waved his hands in front of him in slight panic.

  "No no! I'm not with the Bad Sanses! Sorry if my question made you think that, I was just wondering!" Blue said, trying to cover it up. "Hm.. I believe you." 'Only on the last part of your last sentence.' Was left unsaid. Blue felt relieved.

'For a 'spy', dear Blue is just so obvious. I wonder how the other idiots haven't figured it out yet.' Dream thought before he finished bandaging Blue's and Ink's wounds and stood up. Blue gave Dream a look saying we'll talk later. Dream just nodded before walking to the kitchen and making himself hot cocoa.

Ink didn't seem that he was paying attention to the conversation and seemed to be in deep thought. After a few minutes Ink went upstairs to his room. Blue let out a sigh as Dream walked inside the living room and sat on a loveseat opposite of the coach Blue is sitting on. Dream took a sip of his hot cocoa before setting it down on a small table in the middle of the two. "You wanted to talk?" Dream asked, although already knowing the answer.

"Well yes! I wanted to talk about what you implied earlier" Blue said. "Go on." "Well..."

With that, Ink listened to the conversation in his room while also writing the conversation that happened earlier in his notebook and on his scarf.

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