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"Can't I just teleport there?"

He really shouldn't have said anything about teleporting.

Nightmare had propped up Dream against a tree before pacing in front of him. His tentacles twitched as Nightmare then threw his arms up in the air after a while of pacing.
"My powers have been severely weakened ever since I woke up here, I can't just portal out now! I can't even teleport, I need to know where to. Where even are we?" Nightmare asked, looking over at Dream as if he had the answers.

Nightmare ended up looking away.

Right. Dream still hadn't shown signs of recovering even in this new AU. Nightmare pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He glanced back at Dream, noticing the circlet he was wearing. His hand went up to his own, about to touch it before retracting his hand and letting it fall back to his side.

He had woken up with his circlet on for some unknown reason. Actually, he had woken up with plenty of changes. Such as losing most of the negativity that formed on his body, now he just had two tentacles and had some negativity covering a side of his head along with some on a hand. There was a splash of it on one of his pant legs, going to be like his former clothes where they all got covered in negativity. With clothes being mentioned, he actually was now wearing a different outfit. It was similar in some ways to the clothes he would wear back when he was younger but was still different in a couple places. Also as mentioned before, he had been weakened since waking up. He supposes that's why there's much less negativity on him.

To move on from his changes...
He decided to start exploring the forest, seeing that Dream was probably okay being left alone. And with one last glance at Dream, he walked away until said skeleton was out of sight. The forest, he noticed, is rather quiet. He could barely hear any noises such as birds chirping or animals scurrying about. He couldn't tell if he should be concerned about that or not.

Actually, what he should be concerned about are the plants. He'd never seen them before, it was odd. Ink never really seemed to care too much about plants to make them up like these ones, all he ever seemed to bother with were how much there were and the colors. Nightmare stared at a large flower in a dark red color, vines that seemed to glow at the end were hanging off the petals. There were others ones too, just in different colors. He decided to keep walking.

As he went along, he encountered other plants. From small pastel colored flowers that held pearls (that he swore were made from soul pieces), to a large murderous drooping plant. Yes, murderous. It had teeth. Rows and rows of teeth along its leaves were revealed when it straightened up, seeing as Nightmare approached it...
Nightmare noticed a large plant not too far ahead of the random path he had decided to take. He decided to approach it since it was in his path anyways. It was just large drooping leaves, nothing too interesting.. Until it started to move. He stepped back as the plant fully straightened up, teeth being revealed before lurching at Nightmare.
"Oh for fucking Fate's sake—"
Nightmare rubbed his temples as he felt a headache start upon him. He's just been wandering this forest for who knows how long but still not finding a clue on getting out. It was starting to get frustrating. He felt that at this point, if he saw anyone, he swears he would torture them for information. He swears.

Moments later just like that, he managed to detect someone's presence nearby. They were coming closer and closer until they appeared out from behind some bushes and the odd large flowers. They both blinked, both freezing as they stared at each other. What did he just swear earlier?

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