✧ ₵Ⱨ₳₱₮ɆⱤ ₣ØɄⱤ ✧

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Are they really going to get revenge like this?

    One by one, AUs fell into the void. Dreamtale was one of many. Any original AUs that went into the void were soon followed by its copies. It was chaos. Along with that chaos came negativity. There was barely any positivity, which made Dream weak.

    Dream was getting weaker and weaker, and there wasn't a way for him to recover without positivity. This could be seen as a window of opportunity to others. However, why try to kidnap someone if your multiverse is about to fall into the void? Perhaps revenge? But revenge is useless now.

Everything is useless now. Why keep going on? You're going to die soon. There's not even a month for you to live now. Perhaps it'll all just end the second the original Undertale AU falls into the void. Everything is over. It's the end. Do—

Huh? Pizza already at the door? That was quick, don't you think? Yes yes, I'll be going now...

Dream woke up in a dark room just to find out that he's chained up. What sort of fetish is going on here? It's not as if he could escape anyway. He's too weak to. So he'd appreciate being trapped without the chains.

    At that moment, Dream heard some footsteps heading towards where he was. Along the footsteps there came voices. "Think of Error! They did this to him, it's natural we only do back the same!" Hmm... if only he memorized the 'Bad Sanses' voices. He never bothered to before.

"I don't know about this... Dream actually knew about me and some others.. Maybe we can get him to be on our side?" Well there's a voice he recognizes. What's the name? Blue. "Why should we get him to be on our side last minute when the multiverse is going to collapse? He's never even done anything to benefit us for it to be worth it!" Some chewing noises were heard before a voice spoke out amidst the talking.

  "...I'm hungr-"

"But he didn't help the other side too! He didn't do anything for us and not for them either." Blue said. Dream could now see them as they bicker in front of his supposed jail-like cell. They eventually stopped and looked at him through the bars. This made him feel like a strange zoo animal.

"Uhm... Dream?" "..Y..es?"

Wow. They took so long that now I'm feeling sick. I suppose that's what happens when you're the guardian of positivity surrounded in negativity. Perhaps passing out would be a good option right now.

Everyone except Dream paused, then all of a sudden Nightmare was in the hallway with Blue and two others. I should learn their names at some point. Just not right now. "What are you all doing down here?" Nightmare asked before realizing Dream was in the cell in front of them. "Dream?" "Th..at is my... name yes."

Nightmare turned to look at the three other skeletons. "Why is Dream here?" "Well we noticed how he's been weak and sick lately so.." "So?" "We kidnapped him so we could have revenge." Nightmare thought about what to do. He did want revenge, just not like this. Perhaps it's just past him talking, but not with Dream
involved he doesn't.

Dream already looked like he was going to pass out soon, so Nightmare had to make a decision. "You all can leave." Nightmare said "Understood, boss." After that, they left. Now it was just Nightmare and Dream. Hmm.. perhaps he'd rather be put through whatever revenge the others were going to inflict upon him.

    "What is.. it that you.. want?" Dream asked. Even while being trapped in a cell he still acts the same.. kind of. "..." Nightmare was silent as he stared at Dream for another minute or so before answering. "I.. just want you to see what else there is other than the positivity and negativity balance-" "Is that it? I was kidnapped and placed here only for me to hear you talk about what I should do. The balance is what we're-I'M created for. Why should I care for anything else other than my purpose."

    Dream turned his head, signifying that this short conversation is over. For some reason, Nightmare obeyed that and didn't speak anymore. Why did he even do that? He's not the one in the cell. Maybe it's just because it's Dream, his brother. Yeah.. it's just because Dream is his brother. Not because of their memories.. Though he doubts Dream even thinks of them as special memories. He most likely thinks of them as regular memories that hold no sentimental value.

    The memories are from back then when Dream was less cold. He's much more cold now than back then. Nightmare questions why he still acts soft towards Dream when he doesn't with others. There aren't even that much good memories between the two and Dream doesn't even care about Nightmare unless Nightmare were to be in danger of dying. Since him dying would mean the positivity and negativity balance being severely affected.  Though he feels like Dream would take over his role from how much the balance means to him.

    Dream taking over his role.. Sadly it isn't that much of a stretch to think about. How much more messed up can this get? Although the balance is basically useless now that the multiverse is collapsing. He wonders how Dream feels about it. Maybe Dream won't even feel like liv-

    Oh. He's been standing here the entire time. He should leave now. Sci is most likely waiting for him so he could tell him information. Nightmare teleported away, leaving Dream in the cell. Dream looked back at where Nightmare used to be.

    What a creep. He was standing there staring at my cell for a couple of minutes straight. No wonder I don't care for him. At least I can take a nap now. There isn't that much to do besides thinking anyways.











Hm? Oh.

Are they really going to get revenge like this?

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